A primary email address is issued to each GreggHost account. This email provides access to the GreggHost panel, which can be found at panel.dreamhost.com.
Checking if your password has been compromised
GreggHost validates your password against haveibeenpwned’s API when you create or change it.
If your password has been discovered in the API or has been determined to be weak, the panel will advise (but not require) you to update it in order to make it more secure.
For instructions on how to build a secure password, see the following article.
Instructions for creating a password
Checking if your password has been compromised
A welcome email is sent to you after you sign up for an account. A link to the panel is included in this email. This is the first time you’ll get to set your panel password. For more on how to build a secure password, see the password guidelines article.
Instructions for creating a password
Checking if your password has been compromised
You can change your password in one of two ways.
Option 1 — If you cannot log into your panel (Forgot password link)
Visit the following link to reset your password:
09 Passwords.png https://panel.dreamhost.com/id/forgot.cgi
If you provide your email address, the system will send you an email with more instructions.
This link can only be used to reset your password by the primary email address associated with your account. If you want other individuals to have access to your account, you’ll need to provide each new user Account Privileges.
Option 2 — If you can log into your panel (Reset password in the panel)
Enter your current password first, then your new password at the top.
To alter it, click the Change button.