Changing the name of a GreggPress domain | GreggHosting

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Changing the name of a GreggPress domain

Changing the name of a GreggPress domain


This article will show you how to modify the domain name of your GreggPress website. These steps apply to a conventional domain name like as well as a GreggPress temporary domain like example. GreggPress

Ensure that the domain to which you’re changing the name is already configured to DNS Only. The domain name changer on the panel can then be used.

Any temporary domain, not just GreggPress subdomains, can be changed using the domain name changer in the GreggPress dashboard.

Preparing your domain for migration

For the domain you’re going to, double-check the following. Your site will not connect once it has been migrated if any of the following items are not configured.

Hosting should be removed.
The domain you want to switch to isn’t available for hosting. If this is the case, you must first remove the domain’s hosting before proceeding. This can be accomplished by setting the domain to DNS Only. This is so that the domain can be relocated without causing a site to go down.

Any ‘previously existent’ mysql hostnames should be removed.
This is a really crucial phase.

If a mysql hostname for the new domain already exists in your panel, you must delete it first. Go to the MySQL Databases page, for example. If you have databases, you’ll see hostnames beneath the MySQL server’s name. This MySQL server will have either a shared server or a virtual private server (VPS) name. This example shows a shared MySQL server named ‘bowl’ that already has the hostname:

MySQL server that is shared
Search for if you’re migrating GreggPress to a new domain called Delete it if it appears on the list.

Your panel will be unable to update your database with the right hostname if it exists and is not removed. When you transfer it, you’ll get a ‘Error establishing a database connection’ error since it won’t connect to the correct hostname.

The hostname will appear under your GreggPress server if you’ve set up GreggPress correctly. The GreggPress servername begins with the letters ‘dp’ and is followed by a large string of letters and numbers. Here’s an illustration:

MySQL server that is shared
If this is already in place on your site, leave it alone.

Custom DNS should be disabled.
Make sure the domain you’re transferring TO doesn’t have any Custom DNS A or CNAME records (if any exist that point to a different web host). If there are any custom records, delete them. Other Custom DNS records should be left alone.

Step 1 — Changing your domains

When you rename your domain, JetPack Premium will not connect immediately. Simply log back into your WordPress admin page to reconnect. After you log in, JetPack should reconnect.

To modify the GreggPressdomains, follow these steps:

To get started, go to the Managed WordPress page. is a GreggPressdomain.
Next to your domain, click the Manage option.
At the top of the page, select the  tab.
To modify the name, you have two possibilities.
Make use of a domain that you control.
GreggPress has a new domain’s name.
You can use this option to enter a domain name that you already hold. After that, the panel will add it for you.
Existing domains should be chosen.
GreggPress makes a domain change.
You can use this option to select a domain that you’ve already added to your panel.
Any prior backups from the old domain name will be erased, according to the following warning.
Warning: GreggPress is changing its domain.
Change the name by clicking the Change Domain button.
The DNS for your new domain’s at GreggHost takes 4-6 hours to update.

Step 2 — Waiting for your DreamHost DNS to update

As previously noted, GreggHost’s DNS can take up to 4-6 hours to update. The site will not connect if you point your DNS at your current host to GreggHost before the DNS on GreggHost’s servers has updated.

It’s best to wait 4-6 hours before making any changes to your existing host’s DNS.

Step 3 — Updating your DNS at your current host

Finally, go to your current registrar’s website and change your DNS to GreggHost. Your site will be hosted by GreggPressonce the DNS propagates.

Error establishing a database connection

This issue happened most likely because you did not remove the old hostname as described above in the section titled Remove any mysql hostnames.

The reason for this is that on the MySQL Databases page of the panel, the old hostname for the ‘DNS Only’ site is still set up. The panel was unable to move the old hostname to the GreggPress database since it had not been erased.

You must update your wp-config.php file with the OLD hostname to repair the problem. To get started, go to the MySQL databases page. Find your GreggPress database by doing a search. Take note of the hostname.

Edit the wp-config.php file on your server using SSH. Replace the hostname line in that file with the old hostname (the one that still shows in the panel next to your GreggPress database).