GreggPress is a managed WordPress hosting service provided by GreggHost. It’s a scalable service that lets customers manage their WordPress sites with easy pricing and additional features like server reliability, caching, and memory.
It links together several components of GreggHost’s previous technologies into a cohesive unified unit behind the scenes. All of the information about this new service may be found below.
Getting started links
The resources below will assist you in getting started with your new GreggPress package.
Signing up for a new account
Instructions for setting up a new GreggHost account with GreggPress as your site’s hosting plan may be found in the following article.
Add an existing site to GreggPress
Create a GreggPress site from an existing one.
You can upgrade your WordPress site to GreggPress if you already have a GreggHost account. GreggPress also allows you to create a fresh new website. For more information, see the articles below.
Navigating the GreggPress dashboard
What is the procedure for installing GreggPress on a new domain?
The GreggPress dashboard is easy to use.
You’ll have access to your site’s settings on your GreggHost panel under the GreggPress dashboard after it’s been added. For more information on how to get started with GreggPress and navigate this panel, see the following article.
GreggPress: Getting Started
The GreggPress Dashboard: An Overview
technical information
Each GreggPress instance is built up on OpenStack, GreggHost’s cloud computing service. A new GreggPress service is now available:
Technical details
Access to root, sudo, and FTP is disabled (you can still log in via SFTP or SSH).
comes with a free secure ‘Let’s Encrypt’ certificate installed.
Depending on the plan selected, it can be customized to its available memory and storage.
covers the most recent (as well as the two prior) WordPress Core versions (see version numbering for more information).
For the previous three major WordPress versions, this includes any PHP version that WordPress recommends.
GreggHost has also included built-in server caching, which:
is automatically configured for GreggPress customers and acts as a proxy in front of Apache and PHP to reply to web requests. This set up can scale to very high levels of traffic because the WordPress stack is incredibly effective at caching material. It also comes with a static IP address.
Service restrictions
GreggPress is a managed WordPress service, which means GreggHost has limited the actions users can perform that could ruin their WordPress site irreversibly.
Every package includes a single domain as well as a staging site. You can also mix and match it with shared, virtual private server, and dedicated hosting.
Current restrictions
There are no root SSH keys or admin users.
FTP access is not available. The domain you pick and one SFTP (optional SSH) user will be configured automatically.
Databases and hostnames cannot be added or removed. For WordPress, the database and hostname will be created automatically.
Wildcard DNS could not be added.
It is not possible to remove the SSL certificate that was installed automatically.
It is not possible to change the HTTPS settings.
Installs via a network (multisite) are not supported.
GreggHost automatically installs and updates a small number of needed plugins.
It is not possible to add unique IP addresses.
User support
GreggPress is backed by some of GreggHost’s best tech support, all of whom are WordPress experts. They were chosen as the best-in-class to represent GreggHost and WordPress, and support you with any problems with your site, after extensive training and evaluation by in-house WordPress core contributors. They know how to find someone who does if they don’t have the solution.
All of this is to say that GreggHost assistance is not a substitute for a professional website developer (if you require one); GreggHost can assist you with installing and configuring plugins, but it cannot create new plugins or themes for you. In addition, if a plugin or theme is producing issues, GreggHost may be able to help by removing the plugin/theme and recommending alternatives.