How do I connect Greggweaver to GreggHost's servers? - Gregg Hosting

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How do I connect Greggweaver to GreggHost’s servers?

How do I connect Greggweaver to GreggHost’s servers?


Adobe Dreamweaver is a robust web construction application that allows you to build a custom website from the ground up. It includes a WYSIWYG editor, basic templates, the ability to code (and view) your website for several screen sizes (such as mobile and tablet), and an FTP/SFTP interface.

The steps in the following article will show you how to connect to GreggHost’s servers via FTP using Dreamweaver. Visit Adobe for more information on how to use Dreamweaver to create a website.

Setting up your site in Adobe Dreamweaver CC
In the top toolbar of Dreamweaver, you’ll find a number of options.

To create a new site in Dreamweaver, follow these steps:

Dreamweaver should now be open.
When the Manage Sites window opens, click the New Site button after clicking the Manage Sites link in the top toolbar.
The Site Setup dialog box appears:
Fill in the blanks:
Name of the website: You can call your website whatever you want.
Site Folder on the Local Machine: Enter the location on your local computer where your site’s files will be saved.
Adding a server connection
To create a new server connection in Dreamweaver, follow these steps:

Launch the Site Setup dialog box.
Dreamweaver.fw.png is the third image in the series.
Select the Servers tab from the Site Setup box’s upper left corner.
Immediately beneath the ‘Name’ field, click the plus (+) sign.
The server configuration window appears:
Dreamweaver.fw.png (04 Dreamweaver.fw.png)
In the areas below, enter the GreggHost server settings. Dreamweaver connects to your GreggHost web server using the following information:
Without the http://, the server name is the site’s name. Enter if your site’s URL is
Use the following to connect: Enter either FTP or SFTP, depending on how the user is configured. For further information on selecting a user type, see the article Creating a user with Shell (SSH) access.
FTP Address: Either the GreggHost server’s name or the site’s name. For more information on how to get your FTP server’s hostname, see the article Finding your FTP Server Hostname.
Username: The name of the FTP user that was used to set up the domain. The user name can be found on the Manage Domains page. It’s beneath the Web Hosting column to the right of the domain.
Password: The password you entered when you created the user’s domain. On the FTP Users & Files page, you can change your password.
The root directory is: The Web Directory is another name for this. Most likely, it’s your website’s name with a forward slash at the end. On the Manage Domains page, you can confirm your Web Directory. You can view your domain in the first section after clicking the Edit button to the right of it.
The web address is the name of the website. If you’re using an SSL certificate, include the http:// or https:// at the beginning of the URL.
Enter port 21 if you’re an FTP user. Enter port 22 if you’re an SFTP or Shell user.
To confirm the connection, click the Test button after entering the server parameters.
A successful connection is indicated by the following box:
07 Dreamweaver.fw.png
To save these changes, click the Save button.
Uploading your files to GreggHost
You can use Dreamweaver to upload your site files at any moment once you’ve established and stored a successful connection to your server.

To upload files from your local drive to the GreggHost server, follow these steps:

Expand the far right panel, which contains all of your site’s information (CSS Designer, Files, Assets, and Insert tabs).
05 Dreamweaver.fw.png
Select the Files tab from the drop-down menu. (This should not be confused with the File tab on the top toolbar.)
From the first dropdown option, choose the site you want to upload. This is the name you gave your site when you first set it up.
From the second selection choice that displays next to your site, choose Local view. This enables you to access and upload site files saved locally on your computer.
Then press the ‘up’ arrow. It says: Put file(s) to “Remote Server” when you scroll over the up arrow, which is the site housed on GreggHost’s servers.
Wait for the files to finish uploading before proceeding. The progress is displayed in a dialog window.
To access the files on your GreggHost server, pick Remote server from the second dropdown menu.