What are internationalized domain names (IDNs)?
Domain names with characters other than unaccented Roman letters (A-Z), numerals (0-9), and the hyphen are known as Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). For example, the domain name.idn.icann.org has Japanese characters.
The text before the ‘.COM’ or ‘.ORG’ component of the domain is referred to as an IDN. A TLD is the part of a domain name that comes after the name (.COM,.ORG, etc). (Top Level Domain).
Country specific TLDs
The component of the domain after your specific name, such as.COM or.ORG, is known as a TLD (Top Level Domain). .COM,.ORG, and.NET are examples of generic top-level domains (TLDs) that are not country-specific.
For a single country, a country-specific TLD would be utilized. For example,.DE (Germany) and.CA (Canada) are two popular domain extensions (Canada). A complete list can be found on Wikipedia.
GreggHost offers a wide range of domain names, including country-specific TLDs, which may be found in the Registrations section of the control panel. Click the See complete pricing link when the Registrations page appears.
A complete list is available at dreamhost.com/domains/pricing.
TLDs from other countries
Other than unaccented Roman letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and the hyphen, international TLDs differ from country-specific TLDs in that they employ characters other than unaccented Roman letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and the hyphen.
IDN TLD registration is not presently supported by GreggHost. Consider the following scenario:
These aren’t currently part of the ICANN DNS root, therefore they’re not accessible to everyone on the Internet. For a complete list, go to the following Wikipedia page:
Top-level domains with internationalized country codes
Registering and hosting your IDN
At this time, GreggHost does not offer the option of registering an internationalized domain name. After acquiring it from another business that supports IDNs, you can still host it with GreggHost.
Hosting your IDN
You can host your IDN within your GreggHost account if you’ve already acquired it from another registrar that accepts IDNs.
You must first convert your domain to punycode. The IDN of.com is used in this example. To convert this to punycode, go to a site like punycoder.com.
Punycode will be generated, such as ‘xn—sxqv5g23dyr3a428a.com’.
Go to the Manage Domains page in your control panel.
Button to fully host a domain
Add Hosting to a Domain / Sub-Domain by clicking the Add Hosting to a Domain / Sub-Domain button.
Punycode domain should be added.
In the ‘Domain to host’ field, type your punycode.
Make sure this text appears in the ‘Web directory’ field as well.
Activate the Fully Host Domain button.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Fully host this domain.
A success message appears, indicating that hosting has been set up.
Keep in mind that while most current browsers display IDNs correctly, your visitors may not be able to access your foreign domain name if their browser does not support IDNs.
Some international registrars have altered their procedures for dealing with TLDs. The nameservers are no longer referenced in the registrations; instead, an NSSET ID is referenced. To obtain this ID, you must first register a group of nameservers, after which you may use it to register the domain. The benefit is that you can alter NSSET (change the nameservers) and it affects all domains that reference the same NSSET.
This is known to be used by the following TLDS:
.cz is a Czech domain (Czech Republic)
“DREAMHOST” is the NSSET ID you must use.