Introduction to the GreggPress Dashboard | GreggHosting

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Introduction to the GreggPress Dashboard

Introduction to the GreggPress Dashboard


The following sections explain how to use the GreggPress Dashboard page’s many capabilities.

Do you have GreggPress but don’t know how to use it?

You can use the Upgrade to GreggPress link on the Manage Domains page to upgrade an existing WordPress site, or go to the Managed WordPress page to purchase GreggPress.

Accessing the GreggPress Dashboard

Click the Managed WordPress button in your panel to get to the GreggPress Dashboard.

To access your website’s dashboard page, go to the Managed WordPress page and click the Manage option to the right of your GreggPress domain.


You can add and change content and features on your WordPress website using the WordPress Admin Dashboard (wp-admin):

Please contact Support if the Manage WordPress button does not immediately log you into your WordPress Dashboard and instead brings you to a login page.

Jetpack (Plus and Pro plans)

Customers of GreggPress Plus and Pro receive a complimentary subscription to Jetpack’s Professional level plan. Jetpack Professional users enjoy free access to hundreds of themes, as well as free real-time offsite backups, unrestricted off-site video hosting, Elasticsearch, and more.

For additional information on Jetpack, see the following article:

Customers with GreggPress Plus and Pro can activate Jetpack Professional.


GreggPress Dashboard features

The following four tabs appear on the dashboard, which allows you to make further adjustments to your GreggPress site:

Each of the tabs (Details, Domain, Backups, and Staging) are described in the following sections.

Details tab
The Details tab shows you information about your current GreggPress plan:

On the Details tab, you can view the following:

The current GreggPress plan (as well as a link that allows you to edit or remove a plan)
The renewal date
How much storage your GreggPress site has used (as well as a link that allows you to increase/decrease storage)
You can also upload files (using the file manager) and make database adjustments on the Details tab:

File Upload
Click the Manage Files button to automatically log into the file manager to access your website files. Toggle the Show Credentials selector to ‘On’ to view your FTP credentials.

See the following article for more information about the file manager:

Using the website file manager in the panel
Database (MySQL)
Click the Manage Database button to automatically log into your phpMyAdmin account to access your database files. Toggle the Show Credentials selector to ‘On’ to view your MySQL credentials.

See the following article for more information about accessing your GreggPress database:

Access your GreggPress database using phpMyAdmin
Domain tab
The Domain tab shows you information about your GreggPress domain:

You can change the domain name on your site (by either selecting a temporary domain or an existing domain). You can also register a new domain. See the following article for more information about changing a GreggPress domain:

Changing your domain name on GreggPress
Backups tab
The Backups tab allows you to view and easily restore previous backups, as well a create a new backup:

See the following article for more information about creating and restoring backups:

How to create and restore backups
Staging tab
The Staging tab allows you to set up a staging, which allows you to test changes on your GreggPress site before you publish it:

Staging creates a copy of your site in a “sandbox” environment where you can experiment and preview changes without it affecting what your visitors see. When you’re ready, push your changes to your live site with a simple click.

See the following article for more information about staging:

How to use Staging on GreggPress