Multifactor Authentication overview - Gregg Hosting

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Multifactor Authentication overview

Multifactor Authentication overview


MFA (Multifactor Authentication) is a secure authentication method that strengthens the security of your account. It calls for the following:

Your login and password are the first line of defense.
The second tier needs you to submit a one-time pass code before you can access your GreggHost account.
GreggHost is delighted to offer you the option of using either the Google Authenticator app or a Yubikey within the panel to help safeguard your account from hackers and website hijackers.

Visit one of the following articles, depending on which application you wish to use, to enable this function in the panel:

How to utilize Multifactor Authentication with the Google Authenticator app
How to utilize YubiKey with MFA
Review the Multifactor Authentication FAQs post for further information on how to use Multifactor Authentication.

Changes to the panel login page

The following panel login screen appears when you’ve enabled Multifactor Authentication:

The following two fields will be displayed:

Code for Multifactor Authentication: Your mobile device will generate a 6-digit passcode for you.
Keep this computer in mind for: Choose how long you want your computer to save this code from this dropdown menu. The following are the three possibilities:
I can’t recall.
For one week, keep in mind
For a month, remember

Changes when logging in from a new computer

GreggHost’s email service does not support multifactor authentication as of November 2021. (MFA).

Browser cookies are used to make Multifactor Authentication work. If you try to log in from a fresh computer that has never signed into your GreggHost panel before, the Multifactor Authentication Code field will be hidden at first, and your first login attempt will be unsuccessful. GreggHost will recognize your account after the first attempt and make the Multifactor Authentication Code field available so you may log in.