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The affects of Web Hosts on Your Business Website

Here're ways your choice of web hosting service provider impacts the performance of your business:


Website loading speed


Uptime and availability


Customer support




Server location

Archives: Knowledge Base

poor website performance

Reasons for poor website performance There are several reasons for your poor website performance. Here we highlight some core problems and give solutions for those Problem Optimizing your CSS and JavaScript To load jQuery, use a CDN. If your site uses jQuery, use a CDN instead of a local version on your web server to […]

GZIP Compression

Overview If you use tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, Page Speed Insights, or YSlow, you may be told to compress with GZIP to improve the speed of your website. GZIP is enabled at GreggHost in the following way. What is GZIP Compression? GZIP Compression is a method of lowering the size of specific files for transfer […]

via SSH

Overview You may see abuse from specific IP addresses, which is generally the result of bots visiting your site. However, you may notice IP addresses that aren’t linked with bots viewing your site. This section contains a collection of SSH commands that can be used to detect which IPs are accessing your site. Because the […]

error log

Overview This post will show you how to see your error log using SSH, which will require some basic shell terminal knowledge. Instead, read the following article for an easier way to use FTP: Using SFTP to view your access and error logs You may need to inspect your site’s error logs and access logs […]

error logs

Overview You may need to inspect your site’s error logs and access logs for troubleshooting reasons to learn more about why an issue occurred. This article shows how to use SFTP to read these logs. Instead, read the following articles if you want to see and analyze these files over SSH: Using SSH to examine […]

site's connection

Overview This page contains a list of common mistakes that you may encounter on your website, as well as troubleshooting strategies for resolving the issues. Many difficulties can impair the performance of your website in a shared hosting environment. They can include issues with your database, hacked code, website misconfigurations, and reaching memory limits, which […]

Overview The Chinese government has put in place a national firewall that prevents individuals from accessing certain websites (not only domains hosted with GreggHost but with other web hosting companies as well). While GreggHost does not condone or encourage their restriction of Internet material, there is nothing GreggHost can do to prevent it directly. There […]

Overview The following ‘Site Not Found’ error message appears when your site is not reachable: The requested URL could not be found. Dreambot.fw.png The following sections explain why you might be seeing this error message and offer some typical solutions to help you fix it. The root cause of ‘Site Not Found’ The ‘Site Not […]

500 Internal Server Error

Overview A 500 error number on your website indicates that something is wrong with your site or server. There are a variety of reasons why this error appears, many of which are listed below. If none of the actions below solve the problem, contact support so they can look into it further. Reasons that are […]

SSL Certificate

Overview To troubleshoot your server, you can use a variety of ‘ps’ commands. After logging into the server through SSH, run these commands in a terminal. For more information, see the following article: Overview of SSH The ‘ps’ command ps is a command you can use to troubleshoot. The ‘ps’ command displays information about your […]