The procedures to take to prevent website future hacks are outlined in the next section.
If you’re not confident in your ability to repair your WordPress site on your own, GreggHost’s Hacked Site Repair solution is available (a professional malware removal service). Experts from GreggHost will gain access to your account and make the required repairs to get you back online as soon as possible. For additional information, see the Terms of Service page.
Updating software
If you don’t keep your software up to date, your site will almost certainly be future hacks. While even the most up-to-date software can be exploited, hackers can use publicly available databases of known vulnerabilities to look for flaws. Once an exploit has been identified and made public, your site is vulnerable until a fix is released and you apply it to your site.
Check to see if your program is up to date with the vendor’s most recent version. Any software package that you’ve placed in your domain directory, such as a blog, gallery, forum, shopping cart, content management system, and so on, is considered “pre-packaged software.” Out-of-date versions of such software frequently contain well-known security flaws that can be exploited using simple scripts openly distributed by “hacker” and “script-kiddie” communities.
Updating plugins
When it comes to software updates, you should never disregard any plugins. Try a search engine query for the plugin name + “vulnerability” to check if anything comes up in the version you’re using if you have any non-standard plugins activated for your applications. If the plugin you’re using has any known vulnerabilities, make sure to apply any available fixes; otherwise, deactivate the plugin.
You may also use the following site to search for vulnerabilities in your apps and plugins:
Details of the CVE