Account security overview - Gregg Hosting

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Account security overview

Account security overview


The security of your GreggHost account is crucial. The following page explains what to do if your account has been hacked, as well as steps you may take to keep your account safe.

Recovering your account

If you feel your account has been compromised, please contact the GreggHost Security team immediately so that they can avoid additional harm and exploitation.

Go to the Contact Support section of the website.
What do you require assistance with? is included under the heading What do you require assistance with? From the dropdown option, choose Abuse/Security.
Fill in the message field with as much information as possible about the problem.
To finish the process, click the Submit a Ticket button. Your message will be reviewed by the Security team, and you will receive a response as soon as possible.

Keeping your account secure

For keeping your account secure and safe, the GreggHost Security team has a few simple ideas. Some best practices are as follows:

Don’t share credentials

Never give out your passwords to anyone. If you need to give someone access to your account, consider creating a new user for them or giving them panel access via Account Privileges. To discover how to set up Account Privileges, see the following guide:

What are the steps for adding or removing account privileges?

Follow Password Guidelines

GreggHost’s recommendations on selecting secure passwords can be found in the following article:

Password Requirements

Enable Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication requires you to input a one-time passcode before being able to access your GreggHost account. GreggHost suggests activating it to add an extra degree of security to your account in the event that your password is hacked. To enable it, follow the instructions in the link below:

Overview of Multifactor Authentication