Adding An SSL Certificates | GreggHosting

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Adding an SSL certificate overview

Adding an SSL certificate overview


The steps to add an SSL certificate to your domain are outlined here.

However, installing a certificate is merely the first step in securing your website. You must also complete each of the following steps in order to see a secure padlock in your browser’s address bar:

Install a genuine SSL certificate on your website (described in the following sections).
Use a secure HTTPS URL to load your site.
Any unsafe resources or links on your site should be fixed.

Types of SSL certificates

Within the GreggHost interface, you may add two types of SSL certificates to your domain:

Let’s Encrypt SSL is a service provided by Let’s Encrypt (FREE)
Sectigo SSL ($15/year) is a certificate that has been confirmed by Sectigo.
Please note that wildcard certificates are not supported at this time.

If you have already purchased a certificate, you can manually install it in the panel:

What is the procedure for installing a third-party SSL certificate?

Adding an SSL certificate

A website owner can use CAA records to indicate which Certificate Authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue SSL certificates for their domain.

If you want to add CAA records to your domain before acquiring an SSL certificate, read the following article.

CAA policy documents
Go to the Secure Certificates section of the website. A list of your domains appears on the screen.

To add an SSL certificate to a domain, click the Add button to the right of the domain.

On the following page, you can choose between a free Let’s Encrypt certificate and a premium Sectigo certificate.

Option #1 — Let’s Encrypt SSL (FREE)

The first option is to use a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. It’s just as safe as paying for a certificate. The only difference is that it lacks the same mark of approval that some users choose to show their guests.

This option is best for simple websites with non-critical public material, such as a WordPress blog.

Option #2 — Sectigo verified SSL ($15/year)
Sectigo is listed as the certificate authority on any Comodo certificate issued after January 2019, while Comodo is listed on any certificate issued before that date. Both names are used to refer to the same business.

The second option allows you to get a $15/year Sectigo SSL certificate.F

The following are the benefits of a Sectigo SSL certificate over alternative options:

Sectigo has professionally signed it and a certificate seal of trust is displayed.
It’s ideal for ecommerce sites, customer login pages, and any other public content that needs to be protected.
provides the best indicator to your visitors that your website is secure and the connection is secure.
If it fails to properly validate the information contained in a digital certificate, it offers a certificate guarantee.
For complete information on how to add this certificate, see the following article:

What is the procedure for purchasing a signed SSL certificate?

Signed SSL Certificate Seal

You can use this seal graphic on your site with the signed SSL certificates acquired in the GreggHost panel (via Sectigo): seals.php

Certificate Authorities

If you don’t want to get a signed SSL certificate from GreggHost, here’s a list of SSL Certificate Authorities where you can get one. \
Please keep in mind that not all SSL certificates have the same specifications. To determine the best deal, you must evaluate features and costs.

If you have not opted to acquire a signed SSL certificate from GreggHost, you can copy the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in your panel and use it to purchase one from another Certificate Authority.

Please see the article What do I need from GreggHost before purchasing a third-party SSL certificate? for more information on this option.

How long after adding the certificate will HTTPS function?

It may take a few minutes to a few hours for HTTPS to work on your domain once you add an SSL certificate. This is determined on the certificate type you selected:

Let’s Encrypt – Setup can take 10-30 minutes.
Signed by a professional – This could take many hours to set up.