Analog stats overview - Gregg Hosting

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Analog stats overview

Analog stats overview


Analog is an open-source website statistics analysis application that is installed by default on all DreamHost servers; however, in order to utilize it, you must explicitly enable it in your panel.

By creating a stats user, you can enable stats on the Site Statistics page.

On GreggPress plans, site statistics are not provided (excluding older GreggPress Legacy plans). If you want to collect site statistics on your GreggPress site, make sure Jetpack is enabled.

Enabling stats

For more information on how to activate and see stats, see the following article:

Stats enablement and access
Some online applications (content management systems, blogging software, and so on) may use Apache url rewrite rules that block you from seeing this page unless you change them. The making stats accessible with htaccess page contains general directions for implementing such modifications (as well as particular instructions for certain regularly encountered web programs such as WordPress).

Summary of statistics functions

When a user logs into their site metrics, the first section that appears is as follows:

Analog.fw.png is the first image in the series.
Users can go to different sections and summaries from the Go To section at the top of the page. The following is the remainder of the General Summary section:

Requests that have been approved
The number of times a visitor was able to access any file on your site.
Per day, the average number of successful requests
If traffic remained constant, the average number of requests.
Requests for pages that were successful
The number of times someone at your site was able to access a “page” file (files ending in .html, .htm, .php, .cgi, and so on).
Per day, the average number of successful page requests
If site visits were consistent, this would be the average number.
Requests that were not fulfilled
The number of times someone tried to download a file from your site but was unable to do so for some reason.
Requests that were redirected
The number of times a visitor tried to access a specific file but was diverted by the server to a different one. There are two primary reasons for this:
The visitor requested a directory name without the trailing slash, which is improper. For example, a request for returns (the erroneous name) (the correct name).
Requests can also be diverted as a result of “click-through” banner adverts.
Various files were requested.
How many files (pages, photos, programs, and so on) from your site were requested?
Various hosts were present.
In other words, how many distinct visitors came to your site. Customers of certain large ISPs use a proxy server, therefore the number can be slightly misleading. As a result, many visits might be represented by a small number of individual hosts.
Data was sent.
The total amount of data sent through the network.
The average amount of data sent every day
With steady traffic, what would be the average amount of data transferred?

Time-based reports

The report types can be divided into weekly, daily, and hourly summaries, as shown in the following screenshot:

01 Analog.fw.png 02 Analog.fw.png
The four portions are described as follows:

Report for the Week
The weekly start date is used to summarize the previous several weeks. The busiest week is also listed at the bottom.
Report for the Day
This report is similar to the Weekly Report, however it breaks down the most popular sites by day.
Summary of the Day
An overview of a single day’s statistics.
Hourly Report
For the previous day, requests and pages are broken down by hour.

Visitor-based reports

This part has been broken up significantly due to the size of the stats page, so you can review the various sections individually:

03 Analog.fw.png Organization Report Displays a list of the organizations, institutions, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that the machines that accessed information were registered with.
Host Reports displays all of the individual computers that visited your website’s information.
Reports from Users
Over the selected time period, a list of all users who have visited your site will appear. Users’ usernames will appear if your site requires them to authenticate themselves (by logging in). Otherwise, the cookie of the user is revealed.
Report/Summary for the Browser
Different browsers’ site requests and successful page visits are broken out.
Operating System Report 04 Analog.fw.png
A list of the operating systems that visitors to your site use (e.g., Windows, Linux, Apple, and so on). These are arranged in order of the number of requests received.
The Status Code Report displays a list of all HTTP Status Codes that your site has.
The number of times each file type (e.g., image, page, and so on) was requested from your site is reported in the File Type Report.
05 Analog.fw.png Directory Report Displays a list of directory files that have been downloaded.
The filenames that caused the problem are listed in the Failure Report.
Request Report displays a list of all files/pages downloaded from your website during the specified time period.