Available shells at GreggHost | GreggHosting

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Available shell at GreggHost

Available shell at GreggHost


A shell is a command line interpreter in computing, which is a piece of software that provides end-users with a direct interface to their operating system. Instead of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with buttons and windows to click on, this interface allows users to enter text instructions to be executed in a terminal.

The word usually refers to an operating system shell that gives users access to kernel services. However, the phrase is sometimes used informally to refer to any software that is “built around” a certain component, such as web browsers and email clients that serve as shells for HTML rendering engines. Shells are an exterior layer of interface between the user and the operating system’s inner workings, hence the name (the kernel).

Shells for operating systems usually fall into one of two categories:

line of command: line of command Shells give a command line interface (CLI) to the operating system, allowing users to write and execute commands directly.
Graphical shells give a graphical user interface (GUI) consisting of windows, buttons, and menus that the user can pick.

Using the shell

In order to use the shell, you must first create a Shell User in your panel. For more information, see the article Creating a user with Shell (SSH) access.

Windows PuTTY

To interact with their shell, Windows users can use PuTTY, a popular software. For complete instructions on how to download and configure PuTTY, see the PuTTY article.

Terminal links for Windows, MAC and Linux

To interact with the shell, you’ll need to use a terminal. For a fast overview of terminals for Windows, MAC, and Linux, click on the following links:

Basics of Windows Command Prompt, MAC Terminal, and Linux Terminal

Available shells at DreamHost


Available shells at GreggHost Bash Bash, commonly known as the ‘Bourne-again shell,’ is a command-line Unix Shell created for the GNU Project in 1989.

Bash is the standard shell for Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
A Unix shell is a command-line interpreter that serves as the operating system’s user interface.
Shell is a command interpreter that enables the use of GNU tools.
GNU utilities can be combined and used with other files holding extra commands thanks to the Bash programming language’s capability.
The Bourne shell command syntax is a superset of Bash command syntax. Bash has features that are unique to it, as well as concepts borrowed from other popular shells, such as:

Shell of Bourne (sh)
Shell Korn (ksh)
C-Shell (Computer Shell) (Csh and Tcsh)
Bash is a newer shell than many of the others, with upgrades and modifications. Bash is easier to understand for novices and provides advanced users with powerful capabilities and flexibility because it integrates aspects from other shells.

The real executable is called bash and can be found at:

On the FTP Users & Files page, in the panel, you can modify your shell.

For more information, click on the following links.

ftp:/ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/FAQ – Bash FAQ tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ – LDP Abstracts tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ – LDP Abstracts Guide to Advanced Bash Scripting


Ksh (Korn Shell) is an interactive command language for Unix and other operating systems. The Korn Shell is a strong programming language that may be used to create apps. With features that improve productivity, Ksh intends to allow developers to write apps faster than in Bourne shell and C shell. Ksh combines elements from Bourne and C shell, as well as offering some unique capabilities. Improved efficiency, arithmetic, arrays, and substring and pattern matching capabilities are just a few of the many Ksh features.

The real executable is called ksh and can be found at:

On the FTP Users & Files page, in the panel, you can modify your shell.

For more information, click on the following links.

kornshell.com is the official website of KornShell.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korn shell – Wikipedia article on KornShell


Tcsh is a command-line interpreter that includes an interactive login shell and a command processor. Tcsh is an enhanced version of the Csh shell that includes new features and functions. A spellchecker, command-line editor, programmable autocomplete, and an expanded history function are just a few of Tsch’s many features. Tcsh provides greater customization and flexibility choices for users who are familiar with Csh.

The real executable is called tcsh and can be found at:

On the FTP Users & Files page, in the panel, you can modify your shell.

For more information, click on the following links.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcsh – Wikipedia entry for Tcsh
Tcsh can be found at linux.die.net/man/1/tcsh. Page, Man


Zsh is a shell that is primarily intended for interactive use but also includes a scripting language. Zsh, like Korn shell, is a command interpreter (ksh.) An better command line editor, filename globbing, spelling correction, path expansion, and a number of other more advanced functions are among Zsh’s key features.

The real executable is called zsh and can be found at:

On the FTP Users & Files page, in the panel, you can modify your shell.

Fixing the backspace key

In Zsh, the backspace key may not work properly by default.

To correct it, go ahead and do the following:


bindkey ‘?’ backward-delete-char $ echo “bindkey ‘?’ backward-delete-char” >> ~/.zshrc
bindkey ‘[[3′ delete-char’ $ echo “bindkey ‘[[3′ delete-char’ $ echo “bindkey ‘[[3′ delete-char’ ~/.zshrc
For more information, click on the following links.

zsh.org – www.zsh.org
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z shell – Wikipedia article on Z Shell