Almost every aspect of your account can be maintained and monitored under the Billing & Account area of your panel. You may make payments, check invoices, set up security measures, establish awards, and track usage in this section.
Manage Billing & Account
The Manage Account page gives you a full picture of your panel, including:
Number and name of the Billing & account
Amount due at this time
Domains Registered Current Promotions Service Plans
To see the following, go to the Other Active Services section and select the View Services option.
Users Mailboxes Domains Hosted Databases Servers Users Mailboxes Domains Hosted Databases
From this page, you can close your account.
Manage Payments
You can make a payment on the Manage Payments page.
You may also use the following to add or alter the details of your payment method:
Set up AutoPay with your credit/debit card or PayPal account.
Payment Information (includes amount due)
Other methods of payment
For more information, see the following article:
Methods of Payment
View Invoices
You may print or view invoices on the View Invoices page. You can also see a detailed list of charges and credits that have been applied to your account.
For more information, see the following article:
Overview of Invoices
Privacy Settings
The Privacy Settings page takes you to your privacy portal, where you may manage your email subscriptions, examine privacy statements, and see a list of third parties with whom your data is shared.
There are five sections on the Security page:
Update Password – This is where you can change the password for your panel.
password for dreamhost.com
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) – Increases the security of your panel login.
Change your secret question and answer – These questions and answers are used to recover your password.
Use IP locking to restrict access to your website to specific IP addresses.
Active sessions — Displays information about which IP addresses and when they accessed your panel.
For more information, click on the following links:
Articles about security
Overview of the Security Panel Page for Enabling Multifactor Authentication