Building your website with Remixer - Gregg Hosting

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Building your website with Remixer

Building your website with Remixer

Logging into Remixer

Remixer can be accessed in two ways:

Log in using your GreggHost panel credentials at, or use the following link to access the GreggHost panel: 2018-05 panel remixer.png
The following prompt comes once you log in:
Remixer QSQ 02.fw.png
To open Remixer, click the Grant Access button.
Choosing a Theme
Here’s the link to the YouTube video:

Edit a Theme with Remixer
After granting access, the primary Remixer screen appears, prompting you to “Select a theme to begin.” By hovering your mouse over any of the listed themes, you can change the look and feel of each area.

You have the choice to “Preview Theme” or “Select Theme” within each theme.

Preview Theme
When you click the Preview Theme link within a theme, you’ll be sent to a website that exhibits the theme in desktop, tablet, and mobile versions.

Here’s the link to the YouTube video:

Remixer: Get a sneak peek at a theme
Select Theme
When you click the Select Theme link within a theme, you’ll be sent to a page where you can alter the theme’s various sections.

Themes are split into ‘Web Sections,’ which are subdivided into multiple sections. Each ‘Web Section’ has a distinct purpose.

You can alter practically any item inside the theme after you’ve chosen the one you want to use.

Text Editing
When you pick text, a blue highlight appears in the selection area, which you can click to change.

‘Web Sections’ are being added.
The following choices are available for each ‘Web Section’ in the editor:

Change the format of any existing data in a ‘Web Section’ by remixing it.
Uploading Content
Uploading Content — Create a new ‘Web Section’ in the Theme you’ve chosen.
Here’s the link to the YouTube video:

Upload desktop images to Remixer
In the top right corner of the Remixer dashboard, click the Content button:

Remixer QSQ 03.fw.png
The page Manage Content appears. Click the Upload from computer link to select and upload photographs from your computer:

Remixer QSQ 04.fw.png
Using the Editor
Using the Editor Themes are divided by a number of sections known as ‘Web Sections.’ Each ‘Web Section’ has a distinct purpose.

You can alter practically any item inside the theme after you’ve chosen the one you want to use.

Text Editing
When you pick text, a blue highlight appears in the selection area, which you can click to change.

‘Web Sections’ are being added.
The following choices are available for each ‘Web Section’ in the editor:

Change the format of any existing data in a ‘Web Section’ by remixing it.
New — To the Theme you’ve chosen, add a new ‘Web Section.’
Using a domain for publishing
When you’re ready to see your site, go to the right side of the upper toolbar and click the Publish button: