Where Your DNS Host? | GreggHosting

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Where Your DNS is Hosted?

Where Your DNS is Hosted?


This post will show you how to determine the location of your nameservers and A records. View the following article for an introduction to DNS Host

An Overview of GreggHost’s DNS

Using online tools to check your DNS

You can verify your DNS on several different websites. Think about it.

Lookups of common DNS records
Various DNS testing at centralops.net
Various DNS tests at Network-tools.com.
Lookup of several records — Choose from a list of records to look up with ease.
Checking the details of nameserver records is done via a nameserver lookup.
Tests for DNS propagation
If you’ve recently updated your DNS, you may check what locations it’s updated online using the links below:

whatsmydns.net – A well-known site that verifies DNS records all around the world.
Use GreggHost’s DNS propagation checker in the panel to view your GreggHost DNS records.

Checking your site’s DNS via SSH

You can check your site’s DNS values with the commands listed below. An SSH terminal is required to execute these commands. For more information, see the SSH overview page.

Checking nameservers This command examines the current location of your site’s nameservers. The +short option reduces the output to just the nameservers.

[server]$ dig ns example.com +short ns2.GreggHost.com, ns1.GreggHost.com, ns3.GreggHost.com, ns4.GreggHost.com, ns5.GreggHost.com, ns6.GreggHost.com, ns8.GreggHost.com, ns9.GreggHost.com,
A record-checking
This examines the location of your site’s A records (IP addresses). +short [server]$ dig example.com +short [server]$ dig www.example.com
The host command can then be used to determine where that IP address is hosted.

[server]$ domain name pointer apache2-emu.tool.GreggHost.com
This yields a reverse result. For instance, the IP address is hosted at GreggHost.com, which is shown all the way to the right.

The server name at GreggHost can be found on the left. This indicates that it is hosted on GreggHost’s tool server.

The apache2-emu instance, which the site runs on, is to the left of that.