Cloudflare subscriptions - Gregg Hosting

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Cloudflare subscriptions

Cloudflare subscriptions


You can choose between two types of Cloudflare subscriptions when you enable Cloudflare in your GreggHost panel:

Basic Cloudflare (free)
The free Basic Cloudflare subscription is available to all Cloudflare-enabled domains.
Cloudflare Plus is an extension of Cloudflare.
Additional services, such as image compression, are available with the Cloudflare Plus membership.
Cloudflare subscriptions are paid and managed through your GreggHost panel, and the one you choose determines the features a Cloudflare-enabled name gets. The Cloudflare dashboard is required for several functionality.

Please visit the Cloudflare overview article for additional information on Cloudflare and how to enable it.

How Cloudflare subscriptions work
Any domain subscription you enable, as well as all of the Cloudflare services for that plan, are available to ALL of the domain’s subdomains at no additional cost. Please keep in mind that you must enable Cloudflare on each subdomain separately.

A single subscription includes both and any subdomains, such as, to explain. A alternative domain, such as, however, necessitates a new Cloudflare subscription. Cloudflare can be enabled for an unlimited number of subdomains.

You do not need to include the ‘www’ prefix in your subdomain. If your subdomain is, for example, you may just enable Cloudflare for

Enabling Cloudflare subscriptions
For information on how to enable this service on your domain, go to the Cloudflare article. You’ll notice two subscription options when you add a service, which are outlined below.

Basic Cloudflare (FREE)
Cloudflare Basic comes with the following features:

Front-end web content optimization utilizing RockLoader and AutoMinify on a global CDN with various points of presence across the world
a high level of security
SSL compatibility
Compatibility with IPv6
Site statistics (24-hour delay)
If you no longer desire the Plus option for SSL support, you can downgrade to Basic by canceling the Plus option and switching to the free option instead. In order to complete the process of switching to the Basic option, you must enable the ‘Add WWW’ option in the GreggHost panel. Please see the following article for additional information on adding ‘www’ to your domain:

What is the procedure for adding or removing www from my domain?
Cloudflare Plus is an extension of Cloudflare.
The Cloudflare Plus subscription provides, in addition to all of the benefits of the Free service:

Access to Cloudflare’s Polish, Mirage, and Lazy Loading technologies allows for faster website speed and enhanced image optimization (better mobile performance).
The following are ten URL guidelines.
Site statistics (1-hour delay)
Adding or removing Cloudflare subscriptions
Instructions on how to enable the Cloudflare service and select a subscription plan can be found in the Cloudflare article.

Comparing plans
Cloudflare subscriptions vs. GreggHost subscriptions
GreggHost’s Cloudflare subscriptions, as hosting partners with Cloudflare, give you many of the same advantages as using Cloudflare’s services directly from your GreggHost panel. To receive these benefits, you do not need to change your domain’s nameservers to Cloudflare’s.

GreggHost’s “Basic (free!)” plan vs. Cloudflare’s “Free” plan
There isn’t any distinction between the two.

The “Pro” plan from Cloudflare vs. the “Plus” plan from GreggHost
Cloudflare also has a “Pro” subscription that includes a few extra features like:

Web Application Firewall is a software firewall that protects web applications. The Web Application Firewall is not included in GreggHost’s Plus package (WAF). The WAF is deployed on the Linux web server in all shared, VPS, and DreamPress accounts.
Cloudflare’s Pro subscription provides 20 PageRules, compared to 10 for GreggHost Plus.
For further information, go to Cloudflare’s ‘Pro Plan’ page.