Customizing your PHP settings with GreggPress - Gregg Hosting

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Customizing your PHP settings with GreggPress

Customizing your PHP settings with GreggPress


A.user.ini file is a basic text file that you can use to change your PHP settings. For example, the server’s version of PHP comes with a few default settings, such as a 256MB memory limit, which you can adjust using a.user.ini file.

What PHP settings can I customize?

A list of articles about common PHP customizations may be found in the following category:

Configurations that are unique

Creating a .user.ini file

Create a.user.ini file in your website’s directory to personalize your PHP settings. Consider the following scenario:

By entering into your server via FTP or SSH, you can create a.user.ini file. The parts that follow explain how to do this for both techniques.

Creating a .user.ini file via FTP (recommended for beginners)

Instructions on how to log into your GreggPress web server may be found in the following article. To log in, you can use the panel’s file manager or a third-party client.
Using FTP to access your GreggPress site
Navigate to your website directory, where your files are stored, once you’ve logged in.
Make a new.user.ini file in this directory.
Ensure that the filename begins with a period.

For complete instructions on how to create, edit, and save this file with your PHP settings, see the article Creating and editing a file through FTP.
Your settings will update automatically in around 5 minutes after you save it.

Creating a .user.ini file via SSH (for advanced users)

Instructions on how to log into your GreggPress web server may be found in the following article. To log in, you can use the panel’s file manager or a third-party client.
Option #2: Logging into your GreggPress site using FTP explains where to go for your login credentials.
Instructions on how to log into your GreggPress server can be found in the SSH overview and SSH client software articles.
cd / [server]$
Go to the directory of your website.
Create a new.user.ini file in the directory of your website.
Ensure that the filename begins with a period.

For complete instructions on how to create, edit, and save this file with your PHP settings, see the article Creating and editing a file over SSH.
Your settings will update automatically in around 5 minutes after you save it.

Updating your changes

You simply need to wait 5 minutes after creating your.user.ini file for the modifications to take effect. Because this value is set to 300 seconds in your PHP settings, you won’t need to restart PHP to see the changes.