Deleting GreggPress - Gregg Hosting

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Deleting GreggPress

Deleting GreggPress


If you no longer require your GreggPress site and do not desire to downgrade to a lower plan, you can delete the website and plan entirely from your control panel.

The site is not migrated to another hosting plan if you opt to deactivate GreggPress. It is removed from your control panel, and all files, as well as the database, are erased. If you want to move the site to a new plan, read the following article.

GreggPress is being downgraded to a different hosting plan.

Deleting GreggPress

Go to Managed WordPress and click on it.
2018-10 panel dreampress add 08.fw.png
Select ‘Manage’ from the drop-down menu.
The page titled ‘Manage GreggPress’ appears, with the following ‘Change plan’ button towards the top:
2018-10 panel dreampress add 09.fw.png
Select Edit/Remove Plan from the drop-down menu.
The page ‘Change your plan’ appears:
dreampress changing a dreampress plan
Click the Delete GreggPress button near the bottom of the page.

A pop-up window appears. To confirm the deletion of the site and plan, click Delete GreggPress.