Do You Have a List of Banned & Incompatible Plugins?

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Do You Have a List of Banned and Incompatible Plugins?

Do You Have a List of Banned and Incompatible Plugins?

Banned & Incompatible Plugins

Banned and Incompatible Plugins

View our list of banned & incompatible plugins or website’s performance & security by avoiding plugins that may pose risks or conflicts.

We don’t enjoy removing plugins. Our platform, on the other hand, has been tuned for maximum performance, dependability, and security. As a result, some plugins are not permitted or will not function properly in the Kinsta environment. We don’t allow cache, backup, or related post plugins in general.

If a plugin is on our list, it’s because our sysadmins have found a problem with it. These issues are almost often related to performance or functionality. We are constantly collaborating with third-party plugin developers to ensure platform compatibility. WP Rocket, for example, was once on our banned list but is now one of our partners.

Plugins that have been outlawed
Nulled Plugins are plugins that have been downloaded but not installed.
Plugins that aren’t compatible
The Entire List
Plugins that are not allowed to be used
Plugins for Caching
Caching plugins degrade performance and, in most situations, do not operate on our platform. We already have multiple sorts of server-level caching implemented, including object and page caching, which is far superior to anything a PHP plugin can achieve. Find out more about how we deal with WordPress caching.

LiteSpeed Cache Enabler LiteSpeed Cache Enabler LiteSpeed Cache Enable WP Rocket version 3.0 and higher are supported. When running at Kinsta, their caching functionality will be removed immediately. This allows you to leverage our built-in caching solution while still taking advantage of WP Rocket’s other optimization capabilities.

Plugins for backups

Backup plugins are not required in most circumstances because Kinsta provides daily automated backups and downloadable backups for all of the sites on your account. They can also wreak havoc on your system’s performance and suck up your bandwidth.

Note that this isn’t an entire list; all non-incremental backups are prohibited.

Backup Buddy Backup Duplicator Pro Snapshot: All-in-One WP Migration
UpdraftPlus – UpdraftPlus is currently forbidden on Kinsta for existing sites. For freshly formed sites, however, UpdraftPlus is permitted. We intend to remove the restrictions for existing sites in the future.
Backup of the WP database
A backup of the WordPress database has been created. If you wish to save backups offsite, check out Kinsta’s post on incremental backup plugins.

Plugins for image optimization
Due to speed concerns, we do not accept server-based image optimization plugins, packages, or applications. This includes the installation of packages that image optimization routines will utilize. Several WordPress plugins that compress images on third-party cloud servers are listed in our section on image optimization. These are acceptable for use at Kinsta.

Previously, the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin was prohibited, but it is now authorized. Try updating the Kinsta Must Use (MU) plugin on your site or contacting our Support team through the chat icon in the lower right corner of your MyKinsta dashboard if you’re receiving a message that it’s been banned or you can’t install it in your WordPress admin.

Plugins for video conversion
Server-based video conversion and compression plugins, packages, and software are not allowed. This contains software such as FFmpeg, which some WordPress plugins may require. If your WordPress site requires video encoding, we recommend using Cloudinary.

Better Plugins for Performance After deleting revisions, Minify P3 Profiler optimizes the database.
GZIP compression for WordPress is already enabled on all Kinsta servers.
JCH Optimize (for the following reasons: continual PHP stress, excessive bandwidth utilization, inability to cache, unable to optimize for CDN)
Miscellaneous Plugins Enable PHP to Execute Dynamic Widgets
Inactive User Deleter Exec-PHP Pipdig Power Pack (P3)
WP RSS Multi Importer is a plugin that allows you to import several RSS feeds into
Popular Posts in WordPress
Plugins for Security
Due to their always-on and scanning capabilities, many security plugins cause performance concerns. Our infrastructure settings and Cloudflare integration at Kinsta may have an influence on the functionality of security plugin features such as IP blocking, geolocation-based rules, and more.

Because we have many popular security features embedded into our MyKinsta dashboard and infrastructure, you don’t need to install a third-party security plugin if your site is hosted at Kinsta. For example, our IP Deny tool allows you to block malicious IP addresses before traffic reaches your WordPress service, and we’ve placed a number of rate limitations on common WordPress endpoints. Additional security features included in our free Cloudflare integration include a secure firewall with a custom ruleset, DDoS protection, and more.

If your site isn’t hosted on Kinsta, we recommend putting a proxy in front of it, such as Cloudflare or Sucuri, if you need extra protection or help reducing harmful and bot traffic.

Plugins for social media

Page Frog Instant Articles and Google AMP Pages
Tags for Facebook’s Open Graph, Google+, and Twitter’s Card
Plugins that haven’t been cracked
Nulled plugins are premium WordPress plugins or themes that have been hacked or contain modified code with the intent of causing harm or collecting data. These are obtained from a third-party website (not the author or originator) and are occasionally made to work without a license key.

At Kinsta, we offer a free hack-fix guarantee, however this promise isn’t valid if you’re using a nulled plugin.

Plugins that aren’t compatible
Amazon & eBay WooCommerce Integration: Requires the PHP function proc open, which is disabled in our system for security reasons.

List in full

Compare the list below to your existing /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Note that the Updraft plugin listed here is not the same as Updraft Plus.

backup buddy
backup \sbackwpup-pro \sbwp-minify \scache-enabler
codistoconnect \sduplicator-pro \sdynamic-widgets
exec-php \sinactive-user-deleter \sjch-optimize
LiteSpeed-cache \slogin-wall \sp3 \sp3-profiler
page frog \srvg-optimize-database \ssg-cachepress \ssnapshot \supdraft
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