Does GreggHosting Support * (Wildcard SSL) Setups?

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Does GreggHosting Support * (Wildcard SSL) Setups?

Does GreggHosting Support * (Wildcard SSL) Setups?

Wildcard SSL

GreggHosting Support * (Wildcard SSL) Setup

WordPress multisite installs are supported by GreggHosting on our Pro plans and higher. Because they share a database, subsites in a multisite are viewed as one WordPress installation. As a result, you can have up to ten subsites on a single WordPress installation. Configuring a wildcard SSL that covers all subdomains is a recommended practice if your multisite is set up in “subdomain mode.” We provide free wildcard SSLs and also support paid bespoke wildcard SSLs at GreggHosting.

Wildcard SSL

Through our free Cloudflare integration, all GreggHosting sites come with automatic wildcard SSL support. We now support custom SSL certificates if you choose to purchase your own card. From the My GreggHosting dashboard, you may create a custom SSL wildcard certificate.

Add a custom SSL certificate.
Create a unique SSL certificate.
Save time, money, and improve site performance by using:

Expert WordPress hosting assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Integration with Cloudflare Enterprise.
With 29 data centers across the world, we can reach a global audience.
With our built-in Application Performance Monitoring, you can improve your performance.
All of this and more is included in a single plan that includes no long-term obligations, aided migrations, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Check out our plans or speak with a sales representative to find the ideal plan for you.