What Is Flush DNS | GraggHosting

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Flush DNS overview

Flush DNS overview


Most operating systems are set up to cache Fluse DNS records, which is a good idea because it speeds up requests to a website however, if your DNS has recently changed, you may need to flush your computer’s cache in order to obtain the updated DNS data. This clears the local cache from your machine, allowing you to access the most recent cache used by your ISP.

When trying to speed up DNS resolution for a newly added or modified domain on your account, flushing the DNS records on your computer can help. Instructions on how to flush your DNS can be found at the following links:

Further recommendations

In Mac OS X and Linux, flushing your DNS cache
Additional Suggestions
Make sure you’ve closed any open browser windows, as they’ll continue to read from the cache that was previously put into memory. Then, restart your browser and try to access your website again. After a fair period of time (usually a couple of hours), you should be able to view your website online. If not, it’s extremely probable that your ISP hasn’t changed its DNS cache; there’s no way to fix this without modifying your hosts file.
You can also utilize a third-party DNS server like OpenDNS, which allows you to explicitly ask it to update the cache of any domain from their website. You must manually update your computer’s configuration to use a third-party DNS server for this to work; keep in mind that using a third-party DNS server may not be possible or advised in some business situations.
GreggHost support is unable to assist with DNS propagation difficulties because this is typically the responsibility of the customer.
DNS updates can take up to 72 hours to take effect; if your site is still down after that period, please contact help via the Contact Support page.