Fix “No Update Required Your WordPress Database is Already Up-to-Date” Error
You may see the error “No update required” when updating your website. The database on your WordPress site is already up to date!” You can potentially lose access to the admin dashboard.
Don’t be concerned. This is due to a caching plugin you’re running, which may be disabled.
More information on the “No update necessary” may be found here. There are various ways to fix the “Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!” problem message and recover access to your site.
Contents Table of Contents
Why the “Database is Already Up-to-Date” Error Occurs
How to Resolve the Error “Database is Already Up-to-Date” (6 Methods)
Why Does the Error “Database is Already Up-to-Date” Occur?
As previously said, the issue was caused by a caching plugin you’re running, but it’s a little more involved than that, especially since it doesn’t happen every time. More particular, it’s usually an issue with object caching.
The “database is already up-to-date” error in WordPress is one example.
WordPress’s “database is already up-to-date” error.
Object caching is a sort of caching in which the results of a web page’s database queries are cached after they are loaded. As a result, the queries are served promptly from the cache on subsequent page loads.
This avoids the database from being flooded with the same queries each time the page is loaded, saving server resources and speeding up page load times.
Check out Object Caching for Highly Dynamic Sites for more information.
Memcached and Redis are two popular object caching programs. Object caching is also available through WordPress plugins like W3 Total Cache. The underlying reason of the “database is already up-to-date” problem could be any of these.
When the file that indicates WordPress is up to date is cached, this happens. When a new update is available, the file is reviewed, and while it still indicates WordPress is up-to-date, the error notice appears because it believes everything has already been updated.
‘No update is necessary’… no problem. This post will show you how to fix a common caching plugin problem.
How to Fix the “Database is Already Up-to-Date” Error (6 Methods)?
How do you fix the “database is already up-to-date” error now that you know why it occurs? There are a few options for resolving this problem, and you can try each one until you discover one that works.
Clear the Cache on Your WordPress Site and the Server
Using WP-CLI, Delete the Cache
Using SSH, clear the cache
Disable all of your plugins and rename the object-cache.php file.
As a last resort, Restart your server or contact your host.
Clear the Cache on Your WordPress Site and the Server
Clearing the cache on your site may help, since it will remove the cached file that claims your WordPress database is already up to date. If it doesn’t work, try emptying the cache on your server.
The processes vary based on the plugin and Hosting you’re using, so check the documentation for more information.
It’s important to remember that emptying your site’s and server’s cache will result in temporary speed difficulties. However, this problem will go away once your site’s pages are cached again.
At Kinsta, learn how to clear the cache on your WordPress site.
There are two ways to delete your site’s cache if you host your site with Kinsta to assist resolve the “database is already up-to-date” error: Using the admin dashboard of your site or MyKinsta.
Begin by entering into your WordPress admin dashboard to clear the cache on your site. Then, in the upper right-hand side of the page, click the Clear Cache button in your admin toolbar.
How to Delete the Cache on Your Website
You may also access custom options by clicking Kinsta Cache in the menu. You have the option of purging particular custom URLs.
How to Clear the Cache on Your WordPress Site in MyKinsta
1st step
To remove the cache on your site using MyKinsta, log in and go to Sites, then select your site from the list you want to manage.
In MyKinsta, look for your site.
Step 2: Locate your site in MyKinsta.
After that, go to the Tools tab and click the Clear cache button. On live systems, caching is enabled by default.
In MyKinsta, you can clear the cache.
Using WP-CLI, Delete the Cache
If your server allows it (most do), you can remove the cache with WP-CLI.
Step 1: Use SSH to connect to your site. The processes for this will differ depending on your host. Details on how to accomplish so may be found in How to Connect via SSH to Your Server and How to Connect via SSH at Kinsta.
2nd Step
Next, type the following command, replacing “path/to/your-site” with the actual path to your website:
cd /path/to/your-site/public html/public html/public html/public html/public html/
3rd step
Now, input the following to clear your site’s cache:
flushing the cache in WordPress
Check out our comprehensive guide on the 26 most useful SSH commands for WordPress users.
Using SSH, clear the cache
If you don’t want to utilize WP-CLI, you can use SSH to clear the cache on your site. Depending on the type of object caching system you’re using, you’ll need to use a different command.
Step 1 If you have Redis installed, you can use the following command after connecting to your server through SSH with a client or through your host’s dashboard, such as MyKinsta:
flushall async redis-cli
If you host your site with Kinsta, you can use the Redis plugin.
Alternatively, if you have Memcached installed, you can start the procedure with the command below:
localhost 11211 telnet
Keep in mind that if you’re not using port 11211, you may need to adjust “localhost 11211.”
It’s also worth noting that memcached isn’t supported if you host your site with Kinsta. As previously stated, the Redis addon can be used instead.
Step 2 There are a few extra steps if you’re utilizing Memcached. After that, type the following command:
flush all
3rd step
The final step is to exit by typing the word “quit” in your SSH client, as shown here:
Rename the object-cache.php File
If emptying the cache on your site and the server doesn’t work, rename the object-cache.php file.
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This is also handy if you can’t delete your site’s cache because the “database is already up-to-date” error prevents you from accessing your WordPress admin dashboard.
If you find yourself in this circumstance, renaming the file should allow you to recover access to your site.
To begin addressing the “database is already up-to-date” error, you must first open the object-cache.php file. You have the option of doing this via SSH, SFTP, or your host’s dashboard.
Logging into MyKinsta will reveal your SSH and SFTP credentials if you host your site with Kinsta. Then, from the menu, pick Sites, select your site from the list, and then click the Info tab.
If you host your WordPress site elsewhere, you’ll need to record the following information on this tab:
Username Password Port IP Address
MyKinsta login credentials
2nd Step
Use an FTP client like FileZilla in the example below to log onto your server using the SFTP credentials you made a note of. Fill in your information near the top of the window, then click Quick Connect.
Client for FileZilla
In your FTP client, enter the SFTP credentials for your server.
3rd step
There’s a section just below the login boxes where you’ll notice messages appear.
You’re connected and ready to go once you see the “Connected to” message followed by your server’s IP address, followed by “Directory listing of ‘/’ succeeded.”
Go to your site’s /wp-content/ folder and look for the object-cache.php file.
An sample site’s object-cache.php file.
Find the file on your website.
4th step
You can rename the file whatever you wish, but it’s a good idea to put “-old” to the end of the existing name. That way, it’ll be easier to find and remember what file you’re looking for later.
Click the file in FileZilla. Then, in the menu that opens, right-click on it and select Rename. If you can’t see hidden files, try this instruction to fix it.
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In FileZilla, an example of renaming a file to fix the “database is already up-to-date” problem.
The object cache file should be renamed.
After typing the desired name, press the return or enter key on your keyboard.
5th step
Log in to your account on your website. Then, using whatever caching plugin you’re using, clean your site’s cache. Alternatively, if you’re hosting with Kinsta, use the clear cache feature in MyKinsta.
Step 6 Check that the file has been re-created on your server using your FTP client.
Turn off all of your plugins.
If nothing else seems to be working, try removing all of your plugins. If you’re using two caching plugins that handle distinct forms of caching, for example, this could answer the “database is already up-to-date” error. It’s possible that you mistakenly overlapped features, resulting in the error.
Or maybe you forgot that a plugin you’re using includes a cache or equivalent feature and you forgot about it.
If you don’t have access to the admin panel, you can disable all of your plugins via SFTP. This is how you do it.
1st step
Open your favourite FTP client and connect to your server, similar to the prior advice of renaming the object-cache.php file.
Locate and rename the /wp-content/plugins/ folder. You can call the plugins folder whatever you like, much like the object-cache.php file, although adding something at the end can help you prevent misunderstanding later.
2nd Step
Re-enter the admin dashboard to ensure you’re able to do so and that the “database is already up-to-date” error has vanished. Rename the plugins folder to its original name and refresh the admin dashboard if you’re already in.
Step 3: As previously indicated, clear your site’s and server’s cache. Then go to Plugins > All Plugins in your site’s admin dashboard.
Reactivate each plugin one at a time until the problem reappears. When it does, you’ve identified the plugin that’s causing the problem.
The Plugins section
Activate each of your plugins one by one.
4th step
If you still have access to the admin dashboard, delete the faulty plugin by clicking the Delete link beneath the plugin’s name in the list.
Otherwise, rename the plugins folder using SFTP one more time.
On the Plugins page, the “Delete” link for a plugin.
Delete the plugin that is creating the problem.
5th step
After that, rename the plugins folder to its original name once more. Then, as indicated in step four, reload your browser and delete the problematic plugin.
Step 6 Clear the caches on your site and server once more. The “database is already up-to-date” error should be fixed at this time.
Contact your host or restart your server as a last resort.
If nothing else seems to be working at this point, consider restarting your server. But, before you do so, keep in mind that this is a last-resort option, as it will result in your site being momentarily offline.
No one will be able to access your website, therefore if you need to restart your server, do so at a time when you have the least amount of traffic.
Restarting a server differs depending on the hosting provider, so check their documentation for specific instructions.
Before restarting your server, you should first contact your host to see if they can help you with the problem. Make sure they’re aware of all the procedures you’ve taken so far to resolve the “database is already up-to-date” error.
How to Get in Touch with Kinsta Support
Log in to MyKinsta and go to the bottom right corner of the website to the chat icon.
Instantly, a new chat window will appear:
How to get in touch with Kinsta’s customer service
Let us know if you’re having trouble with the “database is already up-to-date” error, and someone from our experienced team will assist you.
It’s time to put the ‘no update necessary’ error behind you. Learn how to solve it by reading this guide! ⚡️
“There is no need to update.” The error “Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!” is really annoying, but the problem isn’t critical.
The “database is already up-to-date” issue will most likely be resolved if you clean your site’s and server’s cache. If not, rename the object-cache.php file, disable your plugins, or get assistance from your host.
If your WordPress site is hosted by Kinsta, please contact us and one of our WordPress specialists can assist you.