Domain Panel Overview Management | GreggHosting

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Manage Domains panel overview

Manage Domains panel overview

Domains panel


This article provides an overview of the choices accessible in the panel for configuring your domain. View the Domains panel article for an overview of domain hosting alternatives.

Viewing the domain configuration options

Go to the Manage Domains page to see all of the choices for configuring your domain.

edit link Manage Domains panel
Click the Edit button to the right of your domain. This will take you to the domain settings page. The sections and subsections are listed below, along with a description of each.

Fully Hosted

Options for sites that are Fully Hosted on a DreamHost server can be found in this area.

Domain name

This option allows you to customize how your site’s URL appears when someone visits it. View the article Adding or removing the “www” from your domain for more information.

Users, Files, and Paths

Web Directory for Domain Management
This is where you designate an FTP/SFTP/Shell account to access the domain’s web directory.
Under the user’s control, run this domain.
You can assign the domain to an existing user or create a new user using the dropdown menu. On the FTP Users & Files page, you’ll find all of your users.

A listing of websites

This box shows the server directory where your files are kept. It’s set to a folder with the same name as your domain name by default. The name of the website in the preceding example is

a directory for logs
This displays the webserver path to your site’s logs. If your user is an SFTP or shell user, you can access them.
Web Options
Manage Domains in Web Options Alternatives on the Internet
PHP Modus Operandi
You can select which version of PHP to use on your site using this dropdown menu.

PHP will be upgraded automatically.
If you tick this box, DreamHost will upgrade the PHP version on your domain to the recommended version. If you’re using an out-of-date version, DreamHost will upgrade it for you after telling you.

Additional Web Security
You can utilize a unique security module for your website if you pick Extra Web Security. It is suggested that you leave this option selected.

Visit mod security for additional information on this option.

Support for OPcache in PHP
This feature is only accessible for VPS-based sites. This enables OPcache, a PHP application enhancer that caches compiled PHP code in memory.

Passenger (just for Ruby/NodeJS/Python apps)
The purpose of enabling this functionality is to run Ruby on Rails or Ruby/Python-based apps. Leave this feature turned off if you don’t require it. Please see the Passenger article for more information.

Cloudflare Services is a domain management service provided by Cloudflare. Cloudflare Cloudflare offers a number of tools to help you speed up and improve your website. To set up this service on your domain, you must either establish an account or enter your existing Cloudflare account credentials. Please see the Cloudflare post for further information.


You can redirect your existing domain to any other domain you like in this part. Please see the article Redirect Domain for further information.


A mirror allows you to submit material to your server for one site (site A), but visit the original site using the URL of another site (site B) on the same account (site A). Please see the Mirror Domain article for further information.


There are no options in the Parked area. To enable it, simply click the Park this domain button, which changes the web hosting choice to parked. DreamHost displays a placeholder web site with a similar DreamHost ‘coming soon’ banner after a domain is set to Parked. For more information, see the following article:

Only DNS for parked domains panel
The DNS Only option offers the domain’s basic DNS information without requiring the site to be set up on the web server where it will be hosted. Please read the DNS and Custom DNS articles if you want to change your DNS settings.