Setting your domain to 'DNS Only' (legacy) - Gregg Hosting

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Setting your domain to ‘DNS Only’ (legacy)

Setting your domain to ‘DNS Only’ (legacy)


This article will show you how to delete your domain’s default Non-Editable DNS records.

When your domain is ‘Fully Hosted,’ it is assigned to numerous GreggHost IP addresses (A records) that regulate where your site is hosted. Your site is hosted on GreggHost’s servers if your nameservers point to GreggHost and your site is ‘Fully Hosted.’

If your site’s nameservers link to GreggHost, but you don’t want to host it there, you’ll need to remove hosting, which will delete these IP addresses. Setting the site to ‘DNS only’ disables hosting as well as the A records for your site. You can then use custom DNS records to point your site to a different hosting provider.

Only the primary domain name, such as, is supported. Subdomains such as are not supported. You must add custom DNS records to the primary domain for subdomains, as explained below.

Adding a new domain as ‘DNS Only’

Go to the Domains page and click Manage Domains.

Add Hosting to a Domain / Sub-Domain by clicking the Add Hosting to a Domain / Sub-Domain link.

Scroll down to DNS Only when the next page loads.
Click the Host DNS Only option after entering the domain you want to define as ‘DNS Only.’

Changing a hosted domain to ‘DNS Only’

Go to the Manage Domains section.

Click the Remove link in the Web Hosting column to the right of the domain.
Instead of a Deactivate mirror link, if the domain is set as a Mirror, you’ll see a Deactivate mirror link.

Instead of a Deactivate redirect link, if the domain is set as a Redirect, you’ll see a Deactivate redirect link.

The domain is now configured to ‘DNS only’ (if you do not have an SSL certificate enabled on the domain).

If your domain has an SSL certificate installed, the Manage Domains page displays ‘dns’ to the right of your domain instead of ‘DNS Only.’ Because of the active SSL certificate, this is the case.

To remove all DNS records and set the domain to ‘DNS Only,’ you must erase the SSL certificate from the domain. Instructions can be found in the section below.

Remove secure hosting
If you’ve added an SSL certificate to your domain, you’ll need to delete it before you can erase your DNS records.

Go to the Manage Domains section.

HTTPS Secure is displayed to the right of the domain. Please follow this link.

This domain’s secure hosting page has been accessed. On that page, select the Remove certificate option.
Return to the Manage Domains screen.

‘DNS Only’ now appears to the right of your domain.
What DNS records have been deleted?
When you set a domain to ‘DNS only,’ the following DNS A entries are removed:

non-www www is a record. A new ssh record has been set. A new ftp record has been set. a track record
There are a few things to keep in mind about these changes:

Do not delete the domain using the Manage Domains page’s Delete button. This deletes the domain, as well as any material that was previously hosted under it, from the account.
Setting the domain to ‘DNS Only’ does not destroy any hosted files (except on GreggPress plans) or any Custom DNS records you’ve set up previously. To make the domain ‘Fully Hosted,’ click the Edit button. This will re-create your domain’s DNS records.
Keep in mind that this only impacts your web hosting service; other services such as email remain unaffected (this assumes you already have an active hosting plan on your account). You can purchase a Paid email plan if you have deleted your hosting plan but still wish to host email with GreggHost.
Furthermore, these modifications can only be made to the parent domain; subdomains cannot be switched to DNS Only.

You don’t need a hosting package if this is your sole domain on your account and it’s set to DNS only. If you want to host a name and its content on GreggHost servers, you’ll need a hosting plan.

What to do after the DNS records are removed?

You can add custom DNS records to point your site wherever you want after the domain is set to ‘DNS Only.’