SSH client software - Gregg Hosting

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SSH client software

SSH client software


An SSH client is a program that runs Shell commands on your computer. These commands enable you to log onto a server, download data, and manage files on your computer or a web server, among other things.

Depending on your operating system, there are a variety of SSH clients to pick from. This post will provide you with an overview of a few common options.

For further information about various clients, see the following article:

Wikipedia has a comparison of SSH clients.

What information do I need to connect?

To connect to your server, you’ll need the following information:

Servername or website name Username Password
Details on how to find this information can be found in the following article.

Overview of SSH

Mac OS X

‘Terminal’ is a built-in terminal in Mac OS X and Linux operating systems that you can use.

The spotlight search is the quickest way to open ‘Terminal’ on OSX. Then press COMMAND (?) + SPACEBAR and type terminal:

SSH MacOSX Spotlight terminal.fw.png 01 SSH MacOSX Spotlight terminal.fw.png
The terminal screen appears once you’ve selected it:

OpenTerminal.fw.png SSH MacOSX
For examples of commands you can use to log in, see the SSH overview article.


The OpenSSH package is included in most Unix/Linux distributions. A secure shell can be started with any terminal application (xterm, Konsole, and so on).

Type CTRL + ALT + T to open your terminal. This should open your terminal, allowing you to begin running commands. You might also use your distribution’s dashboard to look for the phrase ‘terminal.’ This varies according on the Linux distribution you’re using.

For examples of commands you can use to log in, see the SSH overview article.


Windows 10 comes with a built-in Shell. You can use Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell to use this as an SSH client. For more information, see the following article:

Getting Started with the Windows 10 Shell
You can also utilize third-party clients with Windows. Every Windows SSH client has its own installation and launch process, but once you’ve done that, there’s no difference in how you use it after that. Each client, on the other hand, requires a unique approach (or general needs). As a result, you might want to try a few different ones to find which one works best for you. Here are a few possibilities:

For Windows users, this is a free and widely used client.
This is also a free and well-known client. When compared to PuTTY, it isn’t a completely functional client.
Also available for OS X is the SmartFTP SecureCRT ZOC Terminal.


Secure Shell is a standalone ssh client and terminal emulator for the Chrome web browser.


Several terminals can be found in the App Store. Simply type’ssh terminal’ into your search engine. Termius is a popular paid app. However, there are other alternative options.


You may get a variety of clients from the Google Play store. ConnectBot and JuiceSSH are two choices.

Also also