Troubleshooting GreggPress - Gregg Hosting

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Troubleshooting GreggPress

Troubleshooting GreggPress


Aside from setup issues, mosPress problems are caueggg articles:

Troubleshooting WordPresssed by WordPress and can be solved by following the steps in our WordPress troubleshootint Gr

As soon as you receive the email “GreggPress Install Complete!” your new GreggPress installation should be ready to use. If you received your confirmation email but are still having problems after installation, please see the list below for possible causes.

Reasons your new install could not work as intended

Site is insecure

.If your browser says your site isn’t secure and the “https” in the address bar is crossed out, it means your ‘Let’s Encrypt Certificate’ isn’t set up yet. Look for an email with the subject “New Let’s Encrypt Cert for” If you delete your browser’s cache after receiving it, your site should work properly. Please contact support if you continue to have troubles with https after this.


If you’re getting a DNS or ‘Site not found’ issue, it’s possible that your domain isn’t yet pointed to GreggHost. Your site should load after you’ve pointed your DNS to GreggHost and waited for the DNS to propagate. If you continue to have problems, please contact support.

No email

If you haven’t gotten the confirmation email indicating your GreggPress installation is complete after more than 45 minutes, please contact us for assistance.