Using Cloudflare on GreggPress | GreggHosting

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Using Cloudflare on GreggPress

Using Cloudflare on GreggPress


Cloudflare plans are available on all GreggHost hosting plans. More information is available in the Cloudflare overview article. Please be aware of the following factors pertaining to utilizing Cloudflare on GreggPress because GreggPress is a managed WordPress hosting plan.

Setting up Cloudflare’s partner plans on GreggPress

To begin the process of enabling Cloudflare’s partner plans, please contact Support using the GreggPress category.

You can sign up for Cloudflare’s plans directly at if you want to enable Cloudflare without GreggHost Support’s help. Please note that if you pick this option, instead of having GreggHost manage DNS for you using GreggHost nameservers, you will need to alter your nameservers and manage your DNS records yourself.

Additional setup

Installing the Proxy Cache Purge plugin on your GreggPress site is strongly recommended. While Proxy Cache Purge is installed by default on all new GreggPress sites, the plugin files may be overwritten if you transfer an existing WordPress site to GreggPress. If your GreggPress site doesn’t already have the plugin, you can install it yourself:

Using GreggPress to install the Proxy Cache Purge plugin
Verify that the “Set Custom IP” section in the “Proxy Cache” menu in your WP-Admin says localhost if you have the plugin installed and activated. If this isn’t the case, update the input to localhost and press the “Save IP” button.

This entry should be the IP address of the GreggPress server on legacy GreggPress devices.

The Cloudflare plugin, which is also available in the repository, can help you boost your site’s performance if you’re having any weird caching or performance difficulties. This plugin, however, is not required.

Pros and cons of using Cloudflare on GreggPress

GreggPress has built-in server caching, which works similarly to Cloudflare as a “reverse proxy” to make your pages load rapidly. Working on your site while using Cloudflare on GreggPress can be hard at times because Cloudflare is caching a site that is already cached using the same mechanism. Enabling the Development mode on Cloudflare and the Proxy Cache Purge plugin will help to mitigate this effect.

If you want to avoid possible double-caching issues, Jetpack’s Free version has a few similar features, such as an automatic static file CDN, and the Jetpack Professional subscription included with GreggPress Plus and Pro plans has additional security features that can also be used as a replacement for Cloudflare.

Aside from reverse proxy caching, It has a number of other useful capabilities, and many GreggPress users have had success using it. Basic DDoS protection, captcha challenge by IP or Country Code, IP blocking within the Cloudflare’s interface, comment spam and content scraper protection, and more are among the features available.