Websites panel page - Gregg Hosting

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Websites panel page

Websites panel page


The new Manage Websites page Related article: Using the new Manage Websites page

The Websites panel page gives an updated and graphical presentation of all of your domains, allowing you to effortlessly make feature and setting updates to any of your GreggHost domains.

This article discusses the following topics:

Opening the Websites page

The navigation bar at the top
Actions available in Grid and List views
The Manage Websites page appears.
In your panel, go to the new Manage Websites page:

panel of websites.png
In your panel, the Manage Websites page appears, displaying all of your domains in a graphical display.
The navigation bar at the top
The following sections explain how to use the items in the top navigation bar.

You can use the search area to look for any website on your account:

Start entering in the search field, and any website names that match will appear right away.
You may personalize your manage websites page by using the filter icon to select what you see:

The following choices appear in Grid View:

The following choices display in List View:

View in grid or list mode
You have the option of seeing your webpages in Grid or List View. Each display setting is described in the following sections.

panel-websites-list-grid-sort-filter-03.png Grid View
Grid View displays basic information in a graphical grid format for all of your domains (the screenshot of your site(s) updates every 24 hours):

View in List
List View displays all of your domains in a list format, which is useful if you have a lot of them to show:

Adding a website to your website websites-panel
To add hosting to a domain, click the + Add Website button to view the Add Website page. For further details, see the Adding a Website and Hosting article.
Actions you can perform in either grid or list view
In either Grid or List view, you can make numerous alterations based on your website’s settings. The options accessible in each view are described in the following sections.

Grid Item Descriptions
Hover over your website’s URL, which is shown as and in the examples above. Next to it, anwebsites-panelicon appears. To open the selected website, simply click it. On hover, the webpage URL also turns blue.
websites-panel or websites-panel (SSL certificate) — Displays either a locked (websites-panel) padlock or an unlocked (websites-panel) padlock. A locked (green) padlock indicates that the website is secure and has an SSL certificate installed, whereas an unlocked (red) padlock indicates that the website is not secure and does not have an SSL certificate installed. A dialogue box appears when you click the unlocked padlock, with a link to the Secure Certificates page.
Website hosting plan (in the examples above, GreggPress Advanced and Shared Unlimited) — The type of hosting plan is displayed beneath the website’s URL. For instance, Shared Unlimited, VPS, GreggPress, or Remixer are just a few examples (to name a few). It can also display the website’s domain settings, such as Mirror, DNS Only, or Redirect.
websites-panel (WordPress) — Thewebsites-panellogo appears in the upper right of the grid box if it’s a WordPress site. Click the WordPress button to open the wp-admin page for your WordPress site.
websites-panel (Email) — Thewebsites-panelicon shows whether Email is set up on the website or not, and if so, how many email addresses are added to it.
websites-panel (DreamShield) — Thewebsites-panellogo appears if DreamShield Malware Remover is installed.
Manage button – Hover over your website, and the Manage button appears. Opens either the Manage Websites page for your website or the Managed WordPress page (if it’s a GreggPress site).
websites-panel (Files) — Opens the website’s file management.
Website Revisions (not shown in the above example) — The Edit Website button displays if the site is a Remixer site, which opens the Remixer panel.
panel-of-websites (not shown in the above example) — If your site doesn’t have a hosting package, you’ll see the Add Hosting button, which will take you to the Add Hosting page, where you can add hosting to a domain. For further details, see the Adding a Website and Hosting article.
panel-of-websites (more information) — Click the three-dot (websites-v2-jun2020 15.fw.png) symbol to bring up a menu with connections to the GreggHost web panel’s many sections, such as Domain Registration, DNS Settings, Hosting Plan, Manage Email, and more.
List \spanel-websites-list-grid-sort-filter-07.png
List-column items’ descriptions
The URL for your website is known as the domain name. To open the specified website, hover over the URL (anwebsites-panelicon appears next to it) and click it. On hover, the webpage URL also turns blue.
The expiration date for your website’s domain registration.
The sort of hosting package you choose for your website. For instance, Shared Unlimited, VPS, GreggPress, or Remixer are just a few examples (to name a few). It can also display the website’s domain options, such as Mirror, DNS Only, or Redirect.
PHP — The current PHP version on your site.
SSL — Displays either a locked (websites-panel) padlock or an unlocked (websites-panel) padlock. Unlocked (red) shows that the website does not have an SSL certificate installed and is not secure, whereas locked (green) indicates that the website does have an SSL certificate installed and is secure. A dialogue box appears when you click the unlocked padlock, with a link to the Secure Certificates page.
DreamShield — Shows whether DreamShield Malware Remover (websites-panel) is installed or not (websites-panel). A ‘websites-panel’ indication shows in this column if DreamShield is not available on a domain (e.g., it’s DNS only, Redirect, or otherwise doesn’t have hosting).
Email — The number of email addresses associated with the domain. A ‘0’ means that no email addresses have been created yet.
Links — The Links column contains a variety of icons, including:
websites-panel — Goes to the Manage Domains tab, which allows you to add a hosting plan.
websites-panel — Goes to the DNS page, where you can change the DNS records for your domain.
websites-panel — Opens your website’s file manager, allowing you to connect to your webserver and view, upload, and download files, among other things.
websites-panel — Remixer is launched.
websites-panel — Goes to your WordPress site’s wp-admin page.
By clicking the websites-panel icon on the far right, you can choose which column items are displayed.
Manage — Opens either your website’s Manage Websites page or the Managed WordPress page (if you’re using GreggPress).
— (websites-panel) — (websites-panel) — (websites-panel) — Click the three-dot (websites-panel) icon on the far right, which opens a menu that provides more links to various areas of the GreggHost web panel, including Domain Registration, DNS Settings, Hosting Plan, Manage Email, and more (options available are based on the current hosting plan) (options available are based on the current hosting plan).

Manage Websites page

See the following article for detailed information about the new Manage Websites page:

Using the new Manage Websites page