What other companies are using Google Cloud? | GreggHosting

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What other companies are using Google Cloud?

What other companies are using Google Cloud?


Many well-known businesses in a variety of sectors have used Google Cloud to power their digital infrastructure. Quite a few, in fact. Apple, Avaya, Best Buy, Coca-Cola, Evite, Kaplan, Northrop Grumman, Pulse, R/GA, Sony Music, and Wix are just a few of the well-known brands. Acknowledged for its sophisticated features, dependability, and scalability, Google Cloud is the go-to option for businesses looking for cutting-edge cloud solutions. Notable businesses using Google Cloud services include PayPal, a major participant in online payments, and Spotify, a well-known music streaming platform.

Popular internet companies like Snapchat need Google Cloud to power their dynamic platforms, while Evernote depends on its strong infrastructure to provide note-taking and teamwork services. Google Cloud is also embraced by the media and entertainment sector, as demonstrated by the way businesses like Ubisoft use its features for media distribution and game production.

Furthermore, prominent businesses like Coca-Cola and HSBC have included Google Cloud into their operations, highlighting its suitability for a range of industries. Digital disruptors like Twitter and Etsy are among Google Cloud’s clientele, demonstrating the platform’s adaptability for both well-established businesses and nimble startups.


The whole list of publicly stated ones can be seen here.

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