Change Your GreggPress plan | GreggHosting

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Change Your GreggPress plan

Change Your GreggPress plan


You can change your GreggPress Plan package to take advantage of new capabilities using the GreggHost interface.

This article will show you how to change the sort of GreggPress plan you’re using right now. If you’d rather terminate GreggPress and relocate your site to a different hosting plan, please see this article for additional details:

GreggPress is being downgraded to a different hosting plan.
To downgrade and relocate your GreggPress installation, you must have a current hosting plan.

Changing the plan

Using the panel, make the following modifications to your GreggPress Plan:

Go to Managed WordPress and click on it.
The main GreggPress page loads, and all of your GreggPress domains are listed:
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Select ‘Manage’ from the drop-down menu.
The page titled ‘Manage GreggPress’ appears, with the following ‘Change plan’ button towards the top:
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If you are on the ‘Advanced’ plan and have numerous GreggPress installations, you must first delete all but one GreggPress installation before switching to a different GreggPress plan, such as Pro. Please contact us for assistance if you need to keep one or more of those GreggPress sites but still want to change your plans.

Select Edit/Remove Plan from the drop-down menu.
The page ‘Change Your Plan’ appears:
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Make the following choices on the ‘Change your plan’ page:
Choose between a yearly and a monthly subscription.
Select a GreggPress package (GreggPress Basic, Plus, or Pro)
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Review your new plan’s information, then click the Change Plan button to save your changes.