How do I change my nameservers at my current host? - Gregg Hosting

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How do I change my nameservers at my current host?

How do I change my nameservers at my current host?

Nameserver Change from the Current Host

If you didn’t buy your domain from GreggHost but want to host your site there, point your site’s nameservers or A records to GreggHost as described here.

What GreggHost DNS records should I use for my website?
You must enter into your account at the registrar where you purchased the domain to point your nameservers.

The following is a list of common registrars that explain how to do it:

Please keep in mind that if you change your nameservers at your existing host, ALL of your DNS records will be redirected to GreggHost. This implies that any custom DNS records you may have set up on your current host will no longer be utilised. Any custom DNS entries in your GreggHost panel must be recreated.

You’ll need to establish custom DNS records in your GreggHost panel to point back to your former host if you want to keep using a certain service from your old host (like email). You’ll need to contact your old host to find out what DNS records you’ll require.

This is only necessary if your domain has special DNS entries or if you want to keep hosting a specific service at the former firm.

Before directing your nameservers, double-check that any custom records are configured at GreggHost.

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Change your nameservers to the GreggHost nameservers listed below at your third-party registrar: \
You should only have to add the nameserver URL, not the IP address, when updating your nameservers at your registrar. The IP addresses are mentioned above in case your registrar requests them.

It takes 3–72 hours for this change to propagate over the Internet, after which your new nameservers will lead visitors to your GreggHost account.

You can check on the status of your DNS update by visiting one of the following websites: – A well-known website that verifies DNS records all around the world.
Using GreggHost’s DNS propagation checker in the panel to view your GreggHost DNS entries.