How Do I View My Access and WordPress Error Logs?

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How Do I View My Access and WordPress Error Logs?

How Do I View My Access and WordPress Error Logs?

WordPress Error logs

Viewing Access and WordPress Error logs

When diagnosing and debugging issues on your WordPress sites, logs can be really useful. It’s easy to see your access and WordPress error logs. Simply follow the steps outlined below.

How to View Access and WordPress Error Logs

You can view your access and WordPress error logs in two ways: through the MyKinsta dashboard and by downloading the raw log files.

Gregghosting dashboard (option 1)
Option 2: View WordPress logs in their raw form
Option 3 – In MyKinsta, enable Debug Mode.
Option 4 – In the wp-config.php file, enable error logging.
MyKinsta Dashboard is the first option.
We’re thrilled to announce that your logs are now available in the MyKinsta dashboard. This is a quick way to debug anything without having to use an FTP client or the command line.

Simply go to one of your WordPress sites and click “Error Logs” on the right-hand side. Your error.log, kinda-cache-perf.log, and access.log files can all be viewed. It will display the last 1,000 lines by default (timestamps are displayed in UTC). You may see the last 20,000 lines by dragging the slider over.

file error.log

file kinsta-cache-perf.log
WordPress cache log access.log file WordPress cache log

Log of WordPress access
Option 2: FTP access to raw access and WordPress error logs
The raw log files can be downloaded as a second option for viewing your logs. To begin, you’ll need to connect to your site using SFTP. Then look at the root for a folder called “logs.”

sftp error logs for WordPress

Your access logs, WordPress problem logs, and Kinsta cache logs are all stored in this folder.

logs wordpress access.log error.log kinsta-cache-perf.log

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For older log archives, Gzip (.gz) backups are made automatically. Additional debugging information in WordPress can be found in the codex.

Option 3 – In MyKinsta, enable Debug Mode.
WordPress debug mode may be activated right in the MyKinsta dashboard for Kinsta users. Simply go to Sites > Tools > WordPress Debugging and select “Enable” from the drop-down menu. This allows you to see PHP errors and alerts without needing to use SSH or SFTP to enable debug mode.

In MyKinsta, I enabled debug mode.
Option 4 – In the wp-config.Php file, enable error logging.
To examine your WordPress error logs, you must enable them in your wp-config.php file. To begin, you’ll need to connect to your site using SFTP. Then you can edit your wp-config.php file by downloading it. Always make a backup of this file before proceeding!

Save the wp-config.php file to your computer.
Find the line that says /* That’s it, don’t touch anything else! * Have fun with your blogging. / Add the following (as seen below) directly before it:

define(‘WP DEBUG’, true); define(‘WP DEBUG’, true); define(‘WP DE
If the preceding code already exists but is set to “false” in your wp-config.php file, simply modify it to “true.” Debug mode will now be enabled. If there are any warnings or errors, you’ll notice them in your WordPress admin.

By adding the following code just after the WP DEBUG line (as shown below), you can make the debug log report all errors to a file:

define(‘WP DEBUG LOG’, true); define(‘WP DEBUG LOG’, true); define(‘WP DE
Re-upload this to your server after saving your changes. The faults will then be logged in your /wp-content/ folder’s debug.log file. If you don’t see this file for some reason, you can always make one.

Important: If WP DEBUG is enabled in your Kinsta environment, all errors will be routed to the debug.log file instead of the error.

Go to the MyKinsta dashboard and log in.

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