How To Change Your WordPress Username | GreggHosting

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How To Change Your WordPress Username (Manually Or With A Plugin)

How To Change Your WordPress Username (Manually Or With A Plugin)

WordPress Username

Change Your WordPress Username

Do you want to change the username on your WordPress account? Perhaps another user’s username on your site? After you’ve created your WordPress account, there are a variety of reasons why you might want to alter your username.

WordPress, on the other hand, does not allow you to change your username by default. You’d probably see something like this if you tried:

denied change of WordPress username
This guide will teach you how to fix it.
But don’t be concerned! While WordPress isn’t lying to you, there are various secure ways to change your WordPress username or the username of any other user on your site.

You’ll learn three different approaches in this tutorial. How to…

Use the Username Changer plugin, which is available for free.
Create a new username and delete the old one to change your username.
phpMyAdmin can be used to change your username manually.
If you don’t feel comfortable editing your WordPress database directly with phpMyAdmin, we strongly advise you to utilize the first or second methods.

How To Change WordPress Username With Username Changer Plugin

The free Username Changer plugin is the simplest way to alter your WordPress username.

Install and activate the plugin to utilize it. Then navigate to Your Profile > Users. A new option to Change Username should appear next to your username:

Button to change your username
This new option is added by the plugin.
You’ll be given the choice to create a username when you click that link. Then, once you’ve decided on a username, click Save Username to save your changes:

Make a new username for yourself and save it.
If the modification was successful, you should get a success message. You’ll need to check in again using your new username (your password will remain the same) if you changed your own username:

message of success
You’ll have to log in again if you change your username.
That’s all there is to it!

This plugin can also be used to modify the usernames of other users. You may also allow some other users to modify their own usernames by going to Settings Username Changer.

How To Change WordPress Username By Creating/Deleting Accounts

Technically, this procedure does not change your username…
The end consequence, though, remains the same. In essence, you’ll:

Make a new username for yourself.
Authorship should be transferred from your old username to your new username.
Remove your previous username.
1st step: Make a new administrator user.
Assuming your account is an administrator account, the first step is to create a new user by going to Users Add New.

Set the Role to Administrator and enter your chosen username in the Username box (if changing another user’s username, be sure to pick the appropriate user role for their account):

Make a new WordPress user account.
You will not be able to use the same email address as your existing account for the time being. However, when you deactivate your original account in the next step, you can always update your email.

Step 2: Delete the Previous Username
Log out of your WordPress dashboard and log back in with the new username you just made.

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After you’ve done that, go to your WordPress dashboard’s Users tab and erase your old username:

Remove your current username.
Select your new username from the Attribute all content to drop-down on the next page. As a result, your new username will appear as the author on all of your existing posts and pages:

Assign your new username to all content.
Ensure that all content is attributed to your new username.
Then click Confirm Deletion to confirm the deletion.

That’s all there is to it! Your new username should now work in the same way as your previous one. You may check this in the Users area by looking at the Posts column:

Check that your past postings are linked to your new username.

How To Change WordPress Username Via phpMyAdmin

Important: Because this approach necessitates modifying your WordPress site’s database directly, we don’t advocate it unless you’re familiar with phpMyAdmin.

Before making any changes, we always recommend generating a comprehensive backup of your database. You can quickly create a manual backup with a single click if you’re hosted withGreggHosting. We also back up your website on a daily basis.

If you’re hosting somewhere else, you can always use phpMyAdmin to back up your database.

Now that that’s out of the way, here’s how to completely change a WordPress username by hand.

Step 1: Log in to phpMyAdmin.
If your site is hosted with GreggHosting, you can get to phpMyAdmin by going to your site’s dashboard and choosing the Open MySQL button. On the next screen, you can log in to phpMyAdmin using the Database Username and Database Password:

At GreggHosting how can I go to phpMyAdmin?
You can generally access phpMyAdmin from your cPanel dashboard if you’re hosting somewhere else.

Step 2: Navigate to the wp user’s table.
Select your site’s database on the left after logging into phpMyAdmin. Then, on the wp user’s table, click:

Select the wp user’s table from the drop-down menu.
3rd step: Change your user name
Find the user whose username you want to modify. After that, select Edit:

Choose the appropriate user.
Make that you’ve chosen the correct user.
On the next screen, in the user login area, type your new desired username. Then, at the bottom, click Go:

Change the username in the user login box to your new one.
That’s all there is to it! You should be prompted to check in using your new username when you try to access your WordPress dashboard. Your email address and password will remain the same as before.

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