Importing an existing WordPress install into GreggPress - Gregg Hosting

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Importing an existing WordPress install into GreggPress

Importing an existing WordPress install into GreggPress


You can import content from an existing WordPress site that was installed with a One-Click Install onto your GreggPress site.

Importing to GreggPress as a test environment

The instructions below will show you how to make a safe replica of your GreggPress site for testing purposes without impacting your live site. You can, for example, install GreggPress on a different domain and then import your old WordPress site there. To minimize further charges, delete it once you’ve completed testing.

A existing WordPress installation can be imported into a GreggPress site that is only temporary. This enables you to use the temporary domain as a testing environment before moving to your permanent URL. For more information on how to set up a GreggPress temporary domain, see the following articles:

Getting a GreggPress temporary domain up and running
Changing a GreggPress domain’s name
If you don’t need the testing environment, you can update your WordPress installation to GreggPress directly. Otherwise, import into an existing GreggPress site by following the procedures below.

Importing into GreggPress

To get started, go to the Managed WordPress page.
Create a new GreggPress installation if you wish to change the name of your WordPress installation to another domain when importing.
Create a temporary GreggPress site to test your import on a temporary domain.
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Click the ‘Manage’ button once it’s been created.

At the top of the page, select the Domain tab.
Click the ‘Import existing site’ link in the bottom right corner.
A window appears, allowing you to choose a site to import your content from:

In the dropdown box, select the site from which you want to import data.
To begin the import procedure, click the Start Import button.
The WordPress site is cloned/copied, and the domain name is changed. Because the original site remains intact, this is great for testing GreggPress, new plugins or themes, and so on. It can also be used to separate a single WordPress installation from a domain with several apps. You can, for example, rename to

The import tool will attempt to replace the domain/URLs if you’re importing your WordPress install from a different domain name. If it fails to do so, an email will be sent to you after the import. In any event, after the import is complete, you should always double-check that the data is valid.

Migrating a WordPress site from a different host to DreamPress

If you want to import WordPress material from another domain to a GreggPress domain, you should first add the domain to GreggPress and then use the Import feature.

Changing from a separate server to GreggPress and migrating a WordPress site
To learn more about how to transfer your existing WordPress from another host to GreggPress, see the following article:

What if I don’t have a One-Click Install of WordPress?

What if I don’t have a WordPress One-Click Install?
If you’re not using a One-Click Install of WordPress and want to move to GreggPress, you can contact support to have your existing WordPress site converted to a One-Click Install.