PHP Worker Recommendation for Ecommerce & Membership Site?

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PHP Worker Recommendations for eCommerce and Membership Sites

PHP Worker Recommendations for eCommerce and Membership Sites

Recommendation Of PHP Worker

At Kinsta, each Hosting plan comes with a certain amount of PHP workers. The number of simultaneous requests your WordPress site can handle is determined by PHP workers. To put it another way, a PHP Worker handles each uncached request to your site.

If you operate a WooCommerce site, for example, your checkout page is not cached (due to a Nginx rule or cookie) to ensure correct functionality. A PHP worker handles the uncached request, which is placed in a queue. If there are more requests than PHP workers, the queue will begin to refuse incoming requests, resulting in 502/504 failures or incomplete requests.

As a result, certain WordPress sites will require more PHP workers than others in order to achieve optimal speed. Any site with a high rate of cache BYPASS/MISS traffic and a big number of concurrent users, in particular, will require a higher number of PHP workers. These are referred to as “very dynamic” websites.

Sites that are deemed dynamic include the following:

WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and more eCommerce platforms are available.
Membership plugins include MemberPress, Ultimate Membership Pro, and more.
LearnDash, Lifter LMS, and other learning management systems are examples.
bbPress, BuddyPress, and other forums
Recommendations for Sites with a Lot of Uncacheable Content
We don’t advocate hosting dynamic sites (eCommerce, membership, LMS, forum) on plans with only two PHP workers (Starter and Pro plans).

These sorts of sites will function on a plan with two PHP workers, however their ability to accommodate concurrent visitors will be reduced while using two PHP workers.

It’s fine to host these types of sites on a plan with two PHP workers if you just expect light traffic. If you choose to operate a dynamic website on a plan with only 2 PHP workers and encounter slow performance or 502 problems, our support team will advise you to switch to a plan with at least 4 PHP workers (Business 1 and higher plans).

Only debugging 502s or bad performance for dynamic sites hosted on plans with more than 2 PHP workers will receive assistance from our support staff.

Additional Resources
Check out our in-depth post on PHP workers to learn more about how uncached material is handled at Kinsta.
Other factors, besides from PHP employees, can affect the performance of your eCommerce or membership site. Take a look at our WordPress membership site hosting dos and don’ts.
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