Publishing your changes from staging to your live GreggPress site.

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Publishing your changes from Staging to your live GreggPress site

Publishing your changes from Staging to your live GreggPress site


You can then push those modifications to your live website with just one click after you’ve tested your staging site and confirmed it’s working properly. GreggPress also creates a backup of your live site so that you can restore it if necessary.

The steps to publish your staging site to your live website are outlined here.

Step 1 — Create a staging website

For instructions on how to replicate and change your GreggPress staging website, see the following article:

To test modifications, copy your GreggPress site to Staging.

Step 2 — Open your staging website

To get started, go to the Managed WordPress page.
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To the right of your primary domain, click the Manage option.
The page Manage GreggPress appears:
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Select the Staging option from the drop-down menu.
On the right, the Manage Staging page appears, with the following options:
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There are several alternatives available:

Publish Staging to Live — This function publishes your staging site to your live site. Take care! This action replaces your active website with a new one.
Copy Live to Staging – Copies all of your live website’s content to your staging site.
Remove Staging — This command deactivates the staging website. The steps for creating a new staging website may be found here.

Last but not least, decide what you wish to copy to your live site.
Just Files — Choose this option if you’ve just made changes to your web server’s files. Any manual adjustments you made to your theme or plugin files would fall under this category.
If you’ve merely made modifications to your website’s database, use this option. Changes like creating/editing articles or pages, as well as any plugin settings, go under this category.
Complete Overwrite — Choose this option if you’ve made modifications to your web server files as well as your WordPress dashboard.
Finally, press Publish to transfer your staging site to your live site.

Step 3 — Publish your staging site

To publish your staging site to your live website, click the Publish Staging to Live button.

Before publishing your staging site, make sure you don’t make any modifications to your live site, as the activities that follow will overwrite any changes you’ve done.

The process of copying or publishing a website is usually quick (depending on how much data there is to import). You’ll receive a confirmation email to the primary address listed on your GreggHost account once the process is complete.

Your live site gets updated with the modifications you made to your staging site once the import is complete.

Troubleshooting publishing issues

Under Tools > Site Health (under the ‘Background updates may not be performing properly’ area under Security in the WP-Admin panel), you may encounter the following git status error message:

Version control was identified in the folder /home/wp xyz/ (.git).
This notice will appear on all GreggPress staging sites at the same time, and you can safely disregard it. Your website will not be harmed by Git.

Make no additional changes to the staging environment if you receive a ‘Publishing Failed’ warning or the published content does not match the staging site. For more information, please contact support.