Knowledge Base Archive - Page 28 of 38 - Gregg Hosting

The affects of Web Hosts on Your Business Website

Here're ways your choice of web hosting service provider impacts the performance of your business:


Website loading speed


Uptime and availability


Customer support




Server location

Archives: Knowledge Base

Overview GreggHost allows you to create a variety of user types, each of which is required for specific functions within the panel as well as interacting with your website. Each user has their own password that is not shared with other users. This article explains how to update your GreggHost account’s passwords for each type […]

Overview suEXEC (switch user execution) is a feature that allows Apache users to run CGI and SSI scripts as various users. It significantly decreases the security risks associated with allowing users to design and operate private CGI or SSI programs when utilized appropriately. Security Script permissions All CGI scripts and the directories in which they […]

Overview This post will show you how to get rid of the warnings that appear while using SSH to connect to your domain/web server. The ‘host keys not matching’ notice is the subject of this guide: You are exposed to a man-in-the-middle attack if you remove known host entries as described here. The error message […]

Overview The Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols are supported by the OpenSSL toolkit. It’s also a cryptography library that can be used for anything. It’s used to protect connections between the server and your software. All GreggHost servers already have this installed. On Ubuntu 18 servers, GreggHost uses OpenSSL 1.1.1, […]

Directory/filenames which contain non-English/Asian characters show up as ?????? or are corrupt If you’re having trouble with your filenames or content not showing up correctly, you can activate UTF support by adding the following to your.bash profile file. For instructions on how to update the file (depending on whether you’re using an FTP client or SSH), […]

Overview This article discusses how to use PuTTY without a password. Before continuing with this post, make sure PuTTY is configured correctly. On a Dedicated Server, these procedures can also be used to create and assign SSH keys to an admin/root user. Creating a key pair When configuring PuTTY, open the puttygen.exe file you downloaded. […]

Overview PuTTY is a free terminal emulator for Windows that lets you access to your website through SSH. This allows you to run UNIX commands on your server, which isn’t possible with an FTP client connection. Downloading PuTTY To install PuTTY on your Windows machine, follow the steps listed below. On a Windows PC, run […]

Overview This post will show you how to use PuTTY to connect to your GreggHost server. Before continuing, make sure you’ve already downloaded PuTTY on your computer. PuTTY can be downloaded here. To log in, you’ll also need your SSH username and password: FTP credentials and overview Saving a configuration Go to the directory where […]

If you lose your Google Authenticator device To recover access to your account if you lose your Google Authenticator device, you must utilize a backup code (as explained in step #5) or write to support. Resetting your password If you forget your password but still have your Google Authenticator device (or a valid backup code), […]

Overview Because it’s a compact, low-cost, and robust USB hardware device with open source modification support for Windows, Mac, and Linux, YubiKey was picked. YubiKey is used as an industry security standard for 2nd layer verification by many corporations and governments, including Google and the US Department of Defense. Yubico’s hardware engineering and manufacture is […]