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The affects of Web Hosts on Your Business Website

Here're ways your choice of web hosting service provider impacts the performance of your business:


Website loading speed


Uptime and availability


Customer support




Server location

Archives: Knowledge Base

Overview A cron job is a script or function that is run on a regular basis at a predetermined time. It might be one-time chores like writing a blog post or ongoing actions like checking for updates. WordPress only checks for scheduled items with each page load to assist in improving performance, which is fantastic […]

Overview This tutorial will walk you through the process of copying your primary GreggPress site to a staging site. You can use the staging site to test changes you want to make to your live site while keeping it up and running regularly. You may then publish those modifications back into your live website once […]

Overview Staging provides you the freedom and confidence to test changes without fear of their being published. It generates a “sandbox” version of your site where you can test and preview changes without disrupting your users’ experience. When you’re ready, simply click to send your modifications to your live site. Watch before you begin Creating […]

Overview Aside from setup issues, mosPress problems are caueggg articles: Troubleshooting WordPresssed by WordPress and can be solved by following the steps in our WordPress troubleshootint Gr As soon as you receive the email “GreggPress Install Complete!” your new GreggPress installation should be ready to use. If you received your confirmation email but are still […]

Overview On GreggPress, you may notice that your WordPress site works slowly or not as smoothly as it could. This can happen for a variety of reasons. This article explains some of the basic measures you may take to address issues that typically cause GreggPress websites to be slow or inefficient. Caching Caching plugins GreggPress […]

Overview   Your site is automatically backed up every day by GreggHost, and you may also do a manual backup once a day. Backups are stored for up to two weeks by GreggHost (automatic or manual). You can recover a backup from your panel if necessary.This article explains how to restore your live website from […]

Overview This article will show you how to modify the domain name of your GreggPress website. These steps apply to a conventional domain name like as well as a GreggPress temporary domain like example. GreggPress Ensure that the domain to which you’re changing the name is already configured to DNS Only. The domain name […]

Overview If you already have a WordPress site hosted somewhere else, you won’t change your DNS there until your GreggPress site is fully configured at GreggHost. Otherwise, when you update the DNS, your site will go offline. Launch your GreggPress journey with a temporary domain. You can now utilize a ‘dream. press’ subdomain to create […]

Overview You can import content from an existing WordPress site that was installed with a One-Click Install onto your GreggPress site. Importing to GreggPress as a test environment The instructions below will show you how to make a safe replica of your GreggPress site for testing purposes without impacting your live site. You can, for […]